
June 20th, 2013 at 11:39 PM ^

get ink to represent cbus, he could have at least gotten a Blue Jackets one......

Says the bitter season ticket holder.........wait til next year........*sigh*

PA Baller

June 21st, 2013 at 12:06 AM ^

Saying this is a bad fucking tattoo are dumb as hell. You can't draw on a piece of paper let alone tat someone. Sick tat.

snarling wolverine

June 21st, 2013 at 12:18 AM ^

I like how you express your opinion ("It's amazing art") and then criticize others for expressing theirs.

I love Trey, but I suspect he'll regret getting that down the road - and it's going to hurt like hell to get it removed, it's so huge.  



June 21st, 2013 at 3:30 AM ^

Why would you suspect that he will regret it? Do you know Trey? Do you have insider knowledge about his future thoughts? I'm guessing that he won't ever know how much it hurts to get a tat removed. I like how you criticize someone for expressing an opinion and then tell us that someone will regret something that YOU don't like.


June 21st, 2013 at 10:54 AM ^

Oh my god, I had forgotten about Bray's! That manages to be substantially worse than even McCarron's. Quick rundown of terribleness:

1. The fact that he has his own name tattooed on his back.

2. The Word Art style font.

3. The totally unnecessary and stupid looking stars behind the letters.

4. The random orientation of each letter making it look like a little girl's notebook doodle.

Jesus H. Christ, no wonder NFL teams were questioning Bray's maturity. He's a walking fifth grader's love note to himself.


June 21st, 2013 at 3:12 AM ^

 It's just a bad tat. Has nothing to do with the subject matter, the workmanship is terrible. Way too much shading it looks like a reject tattoo from that show Ink master

Fab and Fresh

June 21st, 2013 at 5:41 AM ^

All the letters in Columbus are ambiguous as far as upper or lower casing save for the L and the B. Sadly, in the tat, the L is lower cased and the B is upper cased which really grinds the OCD-ness in me while simultaneously making it appear as "COIUMBUS".

Also, in light of his obvious love for his hometown of Columbus, I think it's a great testament to the coaching staff and the University (and timing) that we were able to get him here. I personally love the fact that some of our greatest players ever have come from Ohio


June 21st, 2013 at 6:36 AM ^

Again if your hate for a state or city that a rival school is in is that large seek medical help.

Kid is from there and loves his home town and you have issue with him putting a tattoo on HIS body.

News flash not everyone is psycho and hates everything Ohio because they aren't a fan of OSU. You're trying too hard bro.

Shakey Jake

June 21st, 2013 at 6:48 AM ^

While not a fan of tattoos, it is interesting that he does not, to our knowledge, have any tatts in honor of Michigan.


If I did have to get a tatt, i'd get a tatt of a dollar bill on my pecker so I can teach women how to stretch a dollar.



June 21st, 2013 at 7:22 AM ^

He is a really big fan of Christopher Columbus? I hear he is looking to get Amerigo Vespucci on the other arm. Yeah the "l" in Columbus is f'd up.

swan flu

June 21st, 2013 at 7:30 AM ^

I love tattoos. This one is bad. Not because it is Columbus themed, it's very poorly done. The line work is uneven as shit. Look at the outline of the big "C" the thickness of the line varies drastically. All the lines are shaky and at points don't match upwell in the lettering. The lettering looks like it was free-handed, there is no consistency. Maybe that's what he was going for, but it just doesn't look good.

Everyone Murders

June 21st, 2013 at 8:16 AM ^

I suspect I'll pass through this mortal coil ink free.  It would be a bad professional choice, and I honestly can't think of anything I'd want on my body for life.  But if someone wants a tattoo then Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care. 

Lately I wonder why some have such a visceral negative reaction to them, though.  Over the years my opinion has evolved from "I would not have done that so why did this person?" to "oh, that person is inked, I wonder if there's a story behind that?".  Seems like there are many badly-done tatts out there (and seems like folks get very defensive about their tatts at times), but I've seen some good work out there that I can appreciate.

Anyway, as far as Trey's ink goes, it's his body and if this tatt pleases him then good on Trey.  I think the amount of dark ink on the bottom of the tattoo makes it look like the road rash I've suffered after crashing on a bicycle, and in general it seems like a cluttered and sloppy design, but again - if it works for him, great.  And I like that he's repping his hometown, even if I don't like his hometown much.


June 21st, 2013 at 8:28 AM ^

A couple of years ago, I was at a convenience store and some guy was hanging out talking to the cashier. He was showing off his new tattoo, which looked absolutely awful. Like he let a child draw on his arm. He was explaining that he was letting their mutual friend learn how to tattoo on him and that he was "getting pretty good, a lot better." There are no better friends than those with poor judgment.

Around the same time, I saw a guy at the video store who had a massive satanic goat's head tattoo on his chest whose horns came up over either side of his neck. I saw it because he wasn't wearing anything under his unzipped White Zombie hoodie. That guy was rad.


June 21st, 2013 at 8:22 AM ^

His arm & his life. No one has to like it but him. While I am not a tattoo expert (I have two, but nothing big like that), I can appreciate the fact that he is proud of where he is from. Good for Trey.


June 21st, 2013 at 8:46 AM ^

We wouldn't have made it to the National Championship game, or even past Kansas without him. So let him do what he wants. Yeah it looks poorly done, but if that's what he wants, by all means that is fine.