Should I tweet at a recruit? A flow-chart

Submitted by julesh on
I'm sure no one here would ever tweet at a recruit, but just in case.

24 hours until signing day! Since you may be considering tweeting at recruits today, here is a FLOWCHART to help:

— The Crimson Quarry (@crimsonquarry) February 3, 2015


February 3rd, 2015 at 11:59 AM ^

Twitter for the most part is useless. If you are a famous person and people actually care about you fine, have a twitter. For two years that I had twitter I think I had two or three tweets. Some people make like two hundred tweets a week. Here's some advice no one cares about you and we don't need to hear every fucking thought you gave, go write in a fucking diary if you just have to express every thought in your fucking head.