[Possible, but unconfirmed, legal situation]

Submitted by James Burrill Angell on

[ED:BISB - Topic on hold pending, ya know, confirmation and sources and stuff]


March 24th, 2015 at 9:58 PM ^

I foolishly crossed state street (by hill) beer in hand way back when...  I don't think it even ended up on my record...  

I wouldn't worry about this too much...




March 24th, 2015 at 10:04 PM ^

Not saying it was better but back when I was a lad the drinking age was 18, I had a fake at 15 (what a joke that was - I looked all of 12) and nobody and I mean NOBODY gave two shits if you drank and even drove as long as you didnt hurt anybody.  Cops basically either called your parents (if you were ultra-drunk) or got somebody else to drive the car and told you to be careful and sent you on your way.  Nobody got arrested unless they were a world class asshole to the cops or so wasted they couldnt stand up.

Man has the pendulum swung hard the other way.  Now - having a couple of drinks and driving is considered a crime against humanity and punished accordingly. 


March 24th, 2015 at 10:35 PM ^

Hell then people gave even less of a shit about that back in the day.  I dont think they had even invented "MIP" back then.  It simply didnt exist or if it did nobody i knew ever got tagged with it.  I'm sorry but hitting a college kid with a MIP unless he's beligerent, starting a fight or flame-thrower drunk is just stupid IMO.

I'm kinda glad I'm old.  Ann Arbor from 78-81 featured:

1. Drinking age of 18 (my senior year they bumped it to 21 but it wasnt really enforced)

2. Possession of less than 2 ounces of pot was a $5.00 fine

3. All football games started at 1:00pm, you could bring ANYTHING you wanted as long as it wasnt glass (pony kegs were just fine), we could pass up coeds, sit wherever the fuck we wanted and Bo was the coach.

Doesn't Ann Arbor's finest have anything better to do than arrest a freaking college kid for underage drinking?  


March 24th, 2015 at 10:49 PM ^

Cops in anywhere but inner cities with real crime have absolutely nothing better to do than nab kids with MIPs and pull people over for not having the right tags and other petty bullshit.

College in Ann Arbor in your day was like Animal House. I started in 2005 and graduated in 2009, no outside anything allowed into the stadium, we had to hold our tickets up so the section attendents could look to make sure everyone was in their right section.  Our society has changed so much, and my generation is a bunch of pansies who don't know how to take care of themselves for it, you guys didn't kill yourselves.


March 24th, 2015 at 10:29 PM ^

I'm almost as old as you, so I hear what you're saying, but I am so glad the pendulum has swung the other way. My sister used to drive around drunk with a car full of drunk friends in high school, undr age, and the cops would tell her to be careful. One of those friends got behind the wheel drunk and wound up dead, age 17. My dad used to drive home drunk from the country club after card night. The first time I helped my mom pull him out of his t bird in the ditch at the bottom of our hill I was 8 years old, and I cried. The second time I helped her pull him out, I was 9, and I thought it was bullshit and told him so. Luckily, he woke up and hasn't had a drink in 40 years. I'm glad he's alive, drinking and driving almost killed him, like it killed my cousin, and my sisters friend, and tens of thousands every year. The "crime against humanity" is when someone has too much to drink and kills someone with a car. I always tell my teenage sons, I have an account with the taxi company, or they can call me absolutely any time in any condition, if they're doing it to avoid getting in a car with someone who has been drinking, themselves included, they get a free pass, no questions asked.


March 24th, 2015 at 11:12 PM ^

I've seen plenty of high-profile, underage football players out in Ann Arbor bars over the past few years. They all just let them in without ID, that's just how it works. You don't get MIP's in bars, you get them out on the street. That said, one really isn't a big deal. I doubt he misses a game.

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March 24th, 2015 at 11:57 PM ^

You ever go to Skeeps? 

Idk if athletes still go there since the Csonte York incident, but it's basketball/football central along with Ross and Greek Life. 

$2 Tequila shots and "Long Islands." Man I miss college. 


March 24th, 2015 at 10:13 PM ^

My college roommate got busted for drinking when he was 20, cops asked him if he was drinking and he said yes to hopefully get off. They made him blow and he blew all zeros but since he said he was drinking he still got an MIP. Now he is a lawyer lol


March 24th, 2015 at 10:17 PM ^

This is pretty minor but I always thought you had to be an idiot to get an MIP in Ann Arbor.  just don't step past the sidewalk with a beer in hand and you should be fine.


March 24th, 2015 at 11:06 PM ^

Big deal. He'll plead no contest, pay his fine and move on. Sometimes I really hate that these kids can't just be college students when it comes to their own lives.