
November 2nd, 2010 at 10:24 AM ^

He's a gamer on all levels. Having played a lot of softball in Seattle, and for 20 years in NYC, he's been coaching his kids' baseball games for the past seven years. "So my recent experience has been on that side of the big-time sports world," he quipped. "I pretty much throw whatever ball my kids want to catch." Lately it's been football, because his oldest son plays on the school flag football team.

Please tell me this entire paragraph is a joke.  Not the part about him being very involved with his kids and their sports but the part of him being a "gamer" because he's played softball. 

And the part about his son playing flag football . . . I love my son and I love flag football but has anyone ever heard of a school-sponsored flag football team?  Isn't playing flag football instead of tackle football an open invitation for mean-spirited teasing by classmates?  Or is flag football played in elementary school instead of tackle?  I honestly don't know.

Lots of questions about a silly article . . .