STW P. Brabbs

April 24th, 2009 at 2:34 PM ^

That cover is undeniably, immensely gay. What I take exception to is the notion that it should make someone throw up in his or her mouth. I just think it's funny.


April 24th, 2009 at 2:37 PM ^

it looked pretty gay too. It doesn't help that Cushing and Matthews look like they're auditioning for a Rocky Dennis look-alike contest.

El Jeffe

April 24th, 2009 at 8:43 PM ^

Can TQS explain further? I get that oiled muscular men would be appealing to look at for some but probably not all gay men, and also for some but not all straight women. But beyond that, I'm not sure what is gay about the picture (like there are no Miatas in the frame, for example) and I certainly don't get your reaction to it. Are you simply homophobic? A self-hating closet case? Jealous that USC had three awesome LBs and we didn't? Please elaborate.


April 24th, 2009 at 11:19 PM ^

I think it is just really cheesy. And, my wife just about spit her pop out when she saw it, so, I'm gonna say it is funny...but whatever. Oh, and it must be erotic 'cause it just took me 30 minutes to get back to my computer to finish this comment(if yuh knows what I means).