OT* - Lou Holtz Waking the Congressional Echoes?

Submitted by Blue2000 on
Apparently Lou Holtz is considering a run for Congress. I'm excited for his pre-dabte press conferences when he talks up his opponents and explains how he has no chance of winning. And I'm excited about the debates themselves, in which he slobbers all over the moderators. Boy I hope this happens! http://briefingroom.thehill.com/2009/08/04/ex-notre-dame-coach-consider… *Maybe not totally off-topic; the article does reference Holtz's insane comparison of RichRod to Hitler. Good times! P.S. This post was in no way intended to initiate any sort of political discussion, or "poflawa," so please refrain. It was intended only to initiate the making fun of Lou Holtz.


August 4th, 2009 at 1:21 PM ^

I think my dislike for him stems from his constant, unabashed, and wholly-biased love for everything that is Notre Dame football. I've learned not to expect too much objectivity from ESPN and its talking heads, but at least ESPN is generally talking up teams that are actually good, like USC (and Ohio State and Michigan in 2006).


August 4th, 2009 at 3:55 PM ^

If only we could force all the annoying media personalities to leave their current jobs by sending them into politics to make laws we have to live with. Clearly you've got your priorities straight.

mad magician

August 5th, 2009 at 6:09 PM ^

"Holtz would join a crowded GOP primary if he ran, but some Republicans think a celebrity would be able to effectively fundraise and bring attention and name recognition to the campaign. 'You put him in the ring and it's all but over," John Dowless, an Orlando-based Republican consultant told the Sentinel. "He's on TV, he's likable, the name ID is huge and people respect him enormously.' " Ok now I know we're not supposed to get into politics here, but wasn't it a year ago the Republicans tried to disparage the Democratic presidential nominee as an elite celebrity, someone far removed and out of touch with the common man? God I hate politicians, but probably not as much as I hate political consultants