
March 29th, 2011 at 4:28 PM ^

It looks like all of the numbers are new, as well as some juicy political details.

Looks like Junker (the CEO) is fucked, along with some political careers down there in AZ.

Cotton Bowl comeback in 2013 (or is it '14?)?


March 29th, 2011 at 3:32 PM ^

Some people, and perhaps the bowl itself, are deffinatly screwed.  But I have a feeling that as long as people make money, there will be corruption somewhere, no matter what system we use to determine champions.


March 29th, 2011 at 3:39 PM ^

That, unfortunately, is the truth. I think what pisses me off the most though is that this is all done under the guise of not-for-profit charity with a big fat government tax write-off. Corruption is corruption but if you're going to be a greedy piggy piggy fuck piggy piggy then at least be up-front about it. 

I forget the comedian (maybe Carlin) that said it originally but it went something along the lines of (pseudo quote:) "American's like their bullshit right out front where they can get a big whiff of it."

Also, Not to cue the hordes of people pointing out that this is all done while exploiting college athletes who are not getting paid and "should" but cue the hordes of people pointing out that this is all done while exploiting college athletes who are not getting paid and "should."


March 29th, 2011 at 3:46 PM ^

But a playoff will place much of the decisions re: who is the best team and who deserves to be crowned the champion, on the field, where it rightfully belongs. These same MF'ers get to choose who plays! A playoff with16 teams, or even 8, will never exclude a potentially deserving team of a national championship. Let the fat cats be pigs, can't stop that. but let the athletes win a fair playoff.


March 29th, 2011 at 4:19 PM ^

Fiesta bowl officials treating the bowl game like a cash cow for their own personal pleasures.  Parties, Politics, strip clubs and flowers?  You sort of know that big money can cause big problems but this situation is epic in its depravity.

The most ridiculous statement from Junker, the Fiesta Bowl CEO is surely this one about his $1000 visit to a strip club: We are in the business where big strong athletes are known to attend these types of establishments. It was important for us to visit, and we certainly conducted business.
