
March 21st, 2017 at 12:07 PM ^

So sad that in this day and age, a young man feels the need to be in the closet. 

(Sorry for joking. Life gives lemons, making lemonade...) 


March 21st, 2017 at 12:08 PM ^

to this will probably never come out. I imagine it's somewhere in the middle of both parties recollection of events. That being said, there is never any reason (beyond your life being in danger) that one should ever put their hands on a woman. Nothing good can ever come from that, period. Once that happens, all bets are off for where the situation heads from there.


March 21st, 2017 at 2:00 PM ^

sure this is a very common scenario and all, but all the same, I think it is safe practice not to engage in any unwanted physical contact with a woman.  I guess that you could feasible get "shot to death" following this approach but I still think it is a wise policy.


March 21st, 2017 at 3:43 PM ^

I had a very similar situation in my early 20's. Was in bed when my drunk girlfriend came home and wanted to argue. She was a drama queen and this was what she did. After scout an hour of her shot, it was clear I was not going back to sleep so I decided to leave. She broke the handle off of the door so I couldn't. I knew how to still open the door so she stood in front of it while I was trying to find a tool. What do you do then? You can't leave, 3 story setup into concrete if you try the window. I told her I was going to move her out of the way and picked her up and put her on the bed. She tried to scramble back to the door but her drunk ass feel of the bed and smacked her nose somehow. Got a bloody nose. I had the door open by then so she called the cops and said I hit her. She had no marks on her, just a bloody nose. I was the only one with any marks, a big red hand print on my head from her hitting me. I get arrested. I take it to trial and won. She had to take The 5th because she lied to the cops and didn't want to lie under oath. Was awesome how after hearing our stories, the physical evidence, taking or sobriety into account I was still determined to be the guilty one.

Ali G Bomaye

March 21st, 2017 at 12:11 PM ^

Let's be clear about one thing: a police report is literally a he-said, she-said document. The goal of a police report is to record what the relevant parties are saying, at the scene, as soon as possible after the incident. There is no attempt to verify the truth or falsehood of any particular statement.

I'm not trying to excuse anything here, but it sounds like Lewis and his girlfriend have very different versions of what happened. Therefore, at least one of them is lying. So let's refrain from rushing to judgment until something more concrete comes out.


March 21st, 2017 at 1:00 PM ^

Agreed.  I'll preface what I'm about to say by pointing out that this is TOTAL speculation, but:

Reading the two accounts, I can see a way in which both are kinda-sort-of true, but in my interpretation, Lewis doesn't come out nearly that bad, in my opinion.

He's sleeping/passed out with the lights on.  Tensions have been rising in the relaitonship due to imminent change and the fear on Miller's part that maybe she won't be a part of his future in the NFL.  She has a lot of financial anxiety and/or feels resentment that she pays the utility bills whereas he's being wasteful & about to make millions.  She's been the dutiful girlfriend helping them get through school while they were poor students, and now she's pissed that he may leave her now that he's about to make his big payday.

She imprudently wakes him up & makes some comment about leaving the lights on.  Both are perhaps still drunk/buzzed and it escalates into an argument.  The first escalation is waking the dude up from sleeping to argue in the first place.  He's startled & irritated.  He throws the pillows/blanket at her in response.  

Starts yelling & possibly escalating a bit physically.  "Oh no you DIDN'T just throw those pillows at me!  Apologize right now!"  Basically more startled & indignant than anything else.

He starts thinking, "I'm out of here," and moves towards the closet to get dressed & leave.  She wants to continue the argument and isn't finished getting her point across, so she starts getting into his face & interrupting him getting dressed.  He closes the closet door & is trying to keep the door shut while also getting dressed half drunk/in the dark, all while trying to hold the door shut to prevent her from coming in & stopping him from getting dressed.

They basically play tug-of-war with the closet door.  The door opens inward into the closet, so on Lewis' end, he needs to lean against it or hit it/hold/push it with his hand to keep it shut.  And she interprets that is him "punching" the door while he's inside.  She's trying to do the same to pry it open.

He emerges from the closet dressed & moves towards the exit.  She still wants to escalate & prevent him from leaving--both physically & metaphorically, as the prior tensions about immiment break-up come to a head.  Because she is so much smaller than him, she basically uses her entire body to grab onto his legs/feet/knees by wrapping her arms & legs around them, trying to prevent him from leaving.  They're pobably shouting at each other this whole time.

In trying to pry her off of his legs, he grabs her shoulders/head/neck area to try to get her off of him & to free his legs.  Ultimately he succeeds, which is why she ends up on the ground. Lewis keeps her pinned her to the ground for a 1-2 seconds to basically try to chill her out and immobilize her while he angles himself for a clear shot at the door.  

He lets her go once he has a clear shot & takes off out the door.  She remainds behind, crying.

Anyway, totally wild speculation on my part, but this is a very plausible situation where both of their stories have a hint of truth.  There could be a hundred different varriations on a similar confrontation.

In my view, if this happened, I don't see that Lewis did anything wrong.  The only debatable item would be whether he used more force thean necessary to unpry her from his legs and/or whether pinning her to the ground was necessary for him to get a clear shot at the door to get out.  And I suppose on a technical level, somebody could press charges for having a pillow thrown at them--but really?  A pillow?

I don't care if you're a man or a woman.  Nobody has the right to inflict false imprisonment on you.  He should have the right to vacate the apartment, and in my mind, he should have the right to use only the MINIMUM force required to achieve that goal.  In my hypothetical above, the case would hinge on whether or not he did in fact use the minimum required, or if he put a little extra muscle behind his actions and/or held her to the ground longer than necessary to achieve his goals of simply leaving the apartment if she was physically blocking him.


But again, all wild speculation.  If I'm a prosecutor, I don't see how you can convict with a "beyond a reasonable doubt" threshold.  If it was a civil dispute & preponderance of the evidence (50/50) she'd have a case.  But if criminal proceedings need something like a 97% or 98% chance of guilt to convict for the beyond a reasonable doubt standard, I don't see how this holds up if it's just a he said/she said thing.


March 21st, 2017 at 12:11 PM ^

on this one. No real evidence of damage to the apartment or harm to either person. It involves a UM athlete (high profile too). It sounds basically like a she-said he-said type of case that never sees a court room. 

Also the fact that the woman in the incident doesn't know how she ended up on the floor is...interesting.


March 21st, 2017 at 12:11 PM ^

Hopefully he doesn't marry this chick, or any chick for that matter, the nagging only gets worse! ScottyP switched to scotch, that's the only way for ScottyP to cope.


March 21st, 2017 at 12:12 PM ^

why would you disbelieve what JL had to say about what happened?   it is an easily envisioned scenario that he describes, and only a sexist view of the facts would lead you to start your 'tisk, tisk, shame on you' mantras..  i have defended many with these same charges and walked a number of truly not guilty folks out of the court room.   

if he did violate the law then sure, have him deal with the consequences.  suggest patience at this point.  


March 21st, 2017 at 1:07 PM ^

I'm with you XtraMelanin...

When I hear the two stories and attempt to construct the pieces, his story seems to fit with hers, she simply tells hers to make him appear guilty of something he didn't actually do. 

He's sleeping and she comes in and begins to nag him about lights being on because she pays the electric bill. He flips the blankets off and she gets hit by a pillow. He goes to the closet and emphatically takes his clothes off the hanger (Seriously, he punched a closet door multiple times and didn't do any damage?) He's holding the door closed as she is trying to force her way in to continue to get in his face and scream at him. The door opens and she hits him in the face loosing her balance and falls (or is helped to fall) to the ground. As Lewis attempts to leave she grabs his legs and is "dragged across the floor" as he walks. At some point he steps on her hair. Still not letting go, he attempts to push her down off his legs by her neck (when summarizing her complaint articles says neck, when officer asked Lewis about it he said throat...unclear whether it was the neck or throat) until she lets go. At that point Lewis leaves the residence.


March 21st, 2017 at 1:12 PM ^

agree with XtraMelanin also that you don't want to rush to judgment, but you also don't want to completely discount the accuser with out good reason.  The police thought they had enough evidence to arrest and evidently the prosecutor thinks they have enough evidence to bring charges so I would not dismiss it out of hand that a criminal act occurred. 

In reply to by ijohnb


March 21st, 2017 at 1:22 PM ^

I'll let the system take care of it....hopefully this doesn't cost Lewis much if he's innocent. If he is guilty... he deserves what he gets (and more...probably). 

In reply to by ijohnb

Wolverine In Iowa 68

March 21st, 2017 at 1:45 PM ^

The police did not arrest him


"Lewis was handcuffed but was not arrested after last week’s incident. He was photographed and released from the Ann Arbor Police Department."


March 21st, 2017 at 1:35 PM ^

shooting, stabbing, beating, domestic violence and dope case known to mankind.  i have handled, short of trial, thousands of these cases.  i have been on scene, broken up fights, taken statements (in different languages sometimes), stepped in blood, marked evidence, weapons, witnesses, and been to more autopsies then i ever care to remember.  

maybe, just maybe, that might give me some slight insight into what really happens on the street.   the circumstantial evidence she gives, plus his, makes his story much more believable in my opinion.   i'd try this case in a nanosecond.  


March 21st, 2017 at 2:35 PM ^

wasn't my favorite thing but even that wasn't a big deal.  other than that, you're just doing your job. 


March 21st, 2017 at 2:37 PM ^

I can see that her story is complete BS. Its obvious that Jourdan has dealt with her in these situations before and that he has learned that its best to leave. Battered woman don't confront their attackers in a closet but an intoxicated and angry women would. I've arrested hundreds if not thousands on domestic assault but this is crap.


March 21st, 2017 at 3:06 PM ^

Lets not go throwing out baseless accusations like she was drunk. Could her version be a little off? Sure, but that might be do to anger. If the light bill was high last month, and she feels he was the reason for it then yes she may be a little heated to come home and know the light is on and he's sleep. My mother didn't drink and i got chewed out a few times about doing the same thing. Now she had no right to go chasing after him in the closet, but it seems to me her emotions come from an angry place more than a drunken place. Plus you're a cop, wouldn't that be placed in the report if she smlled of alcohol or was moving around like an intoxicated person?