
May 17th, 2016 at 12:40 PM ^

It still stymies me why their fan chose to go to war with Michigan. This has all the makings of the next Anglo-Znazibar War but without the quirkyand morbid humor of a real-life war that could by itself fit into an hour-long segment of television with commercials. 

As to the addition of the Ravens' staff, I don't know that Rutgers would have the ability to overshadow that. Both Harbaughs in New Jersey? They have no chance.


May 18th, 2016 at 2:40 PM ^

If it is not 100% clear by now, it should be.


Ignore him.  Do not confront him.  Do not engage him.

If you do, he's like a pit bull.  He will latch on to your leg and not let go until he chews it off.



May 17th, 2016 at 2:25 PM ^

Is that Harbaugh KNOWS that he is not on the same level as Urban Meyer. No Surprise to any of us, he is no Urban Meyer. Then again, neither is John. It's going to be pretty embarrassing when Urban brings more attendees than Jim and John combined. I'm sure there will be many lame excuses made by UM fans after the fact, but we all know why it will turn out that way. URBAN >>> Jim & John Jim Harbaugh m just proved he knows he is Urban Meyer....

UM Fan from Sydney

May 17th, 2016 at 10:36 AM ^

I wish John would just say "fuck it" and be on Michigan's staff. I'd love two Harbaughs.

OC Alum91

May 17th, 2016 at 10:52 AM ^

Nice little escalation. Ravens probably have a few fans in New Jersey. Nice to have another Harbaugh as an Ace to pull out of your back pocket. Nice to remind recruits of the real NFL connection Harbaugh and his coaches have, an advantage other schools dont possess.


May 17th, 2016 at 12:39 PM ^

I'm just waiting for what Politi has to say about this one. I would imagine it's not fair and should somehow be banned as well, because it's not right that Michigan should declare war on rutgers. The only problem with his whole premise is that rutgers declared war on Harbaugh and he's going to win. In any and all ways possible.