
December 30th, 2014 at 9:44 PM ^

Awesome article.  Thanks for sharing.  Reminds me of my days playing as a kid.  My dad would sometimes build us an ice rink too.  Those were the days, man.  Seriously.  


December 30th, 2014 at 9:52 PM ^

Heard this the first time in today's presser.  Looked it up and saw it originated with Jack Harbaugh and a childhood friend.  Naturally,  it appears to have taken off with Jim and the 49ers.  Can't tell whether it was a part of Jim's Stanford culture as of yet.  Does something like this carry over with Jim to UM?  It appears to be the case so far today.  We may need someone saavy to update it with something that could be printed on a T in the MgoStore!


EDIT-I attempted to embed an image found on Google by typing in the "Who has it," phrase.  There is A LOT of it 49er style so I opted to delete the image.  A quick search shows this took off there already.  


December 30th, 2014 at 10:11 PM ^

Someone tweeted shirts already. Maybe Toledo Threads? Definitely getting one!! Love the phrase and the story. 49ers fans definitely picked it up, saw more than one sign on Sunday that said Michigan has it better than them to protest losing Coach Harbaugh.


December 30th, 2014 at 10:12 PM ^

I know the exchange because of the 49ers gear but the story behind it is something that I had not known until now. I honestly thought this was something perhaps invented for the 49ers but to see that  it has more central and personal origins for the Harbaugh family is really quite awesome. It gives it just that much more power in a way.