Interview Idea!

Submitted by umfan on
I had an idea. TomVH, could you do an interview with Tate Forcier? I'd really like to read that. Just an idea. Would anybody else be interested in reading it? Thanks

Promote RichRod

December 4th, 2008 at 12:02 AM ^

I'd be interested in hearing what he/Rich thinks his chances at starting are, if he is willing to give up any info on that front other than "I plan to work hard everyday, best man wins." Also, what's in the works, if you are able to say/hint?

The Other Brian

December 4th, 2008 at 2:46 AM ^

FWIW, there was a post on Rivals the other day from someone claiming to be very close to Washington (cousin or something) that the mods didn't delete (they're really good at filtering out any BS) claiming that QW had fallen in love with Michigan and his dad loved it too, and at this point in time UM is in the pole position.