HTTV Mailing: Do We Have Your Address?

Submitted by Seth on

coming soon to a specified mailbox if one has indeed been specified.

We're sending out the first rounds this week. Answer your gadurn emails you furm purg wurgerfergers. Especially you, two guys who ordered it rush shipped but haven't told us where to ship it in such a hurry. You, guy with the deftones handle who got overly excited about Denard before anyone else did. You, guy who played on the hockey team and could teach some of these whippersnappers a thing or two about full shifts. You, guy who has three similar email addresses, none of which have responded. You, head marketing director of Wisconsin. You, person who went paintballing recently who doesn't want me to sick Jadaveon Clowney on you again. Check your inboxes. Then check your spam boxes. Then check that hotmail account you use to sign up for things and never check because NewEgg took it over and is throwing parties with Groupon and your mother in law's heartwarming uberthreaded forwards.

It is coming.


July 9th, 2013 at 5:31 PM ^

Holy shit - all of those are me. Sorry Seth, I accidentally requested a casual encounter over Craig's list and my emails have gone bananas (I accidentally did this with all of my email addresses). I'll get back to you shortly.

Colin M

July 9th, 2013 at 5:31 PM ^

What if you're the kind of silly person who can't remember if he previously responded? What would the consequences of responding a second time be?   


July 9th, 2013 at 5:41 PM ^

Am I the only one who says "HTTV" as a word, instead of each letter individually? I don't know why I do this because it doesn't really work. It sounds like I'm sneezing in Russian.


July 10th, 2013 at 12:21 PM ^

Am I the only one that cannot make silent phonic sense in my head of "B1G"?  All I can make of that is "Big"; I cannot get the Ten part.

As to your handicapped ability to say H. T. T. V., I don't know there's much we can do to help with that condition. 



July 9th, 2013 at 6:02 PM ^

If you didn't get an email from me today you're good -- or at least you weren't on the list of people I was checking right now. There's a good 60 people who haven't responded yet and I'm mostly trying to capture them.


July 9th, 2013 at 6:16 PM ^

FYI, when I saw this thread posted I went to my Gmail account and pulled up all my Kickstarter e-mails.  The only two I had regarding HTTV were the initial one I got thanking me for donating, and then the April 29 one saying the project had funded.  The April 29 e-mail had a link to the Kickstarter project page, so I clicked that--and once I got there, I saw that I had several unchecked messages on Kickstarter.  None of those messages appeared in my Gmail inbox.

Anyway, I opened a June 16 message from Brian (on Kickstarter) and filled-out my info.  But i would never have thought that I might have messages waiting for me in my Kickstarter account.  I only mention this because there might be other people having the same issue.

Note: I also donated to the Vincent Smith Kickstarter, and while I was checking my Gmail there was a was a message from him saying there is a delay on some prints I'm supposed to get.  So, I sent VS a note back about it..  Well, when I went on the Kickstarter message box, the complete text of the e-mail I'd sent VS appeared--even though I'd sent the message using Gmail.  So, obviously the accounts are integrated somehow, but it is a little confusing for people of below-average tech savvy (like me).



July 9th, 2013 at 6:59 PM ^

Today we're just talking about people I was BCC'ing in groups of 30. The ones with t-shirts and complications are going directly through the store and will ship probably early next week with all the stuff--I'm in charge of all of the single-books--like 2,000 of them--that I'm trying to keep away from the shirt processing.


July 9th, 2013 at 6:47 PM ^

They don't NEED your address. They're just building a database so thy can come to take your guns and butter and bubble screens. Don't trust The Man.


July 9th, 2013 at 8:05 PM ^

Found it. I had to look through my spam. It's a good thing I did because I can also get $2,500.00 DIRECT DEPOSIT, free trial men's supplements, and Lasik at $199 per eye.


July 9th, 2013 at 9:32 PM ^

Seth, I answered the original email but just noticed I messed up the address (put my previous residence city, force of habit). I just sent you an email with the details, but let me know if I need to do anything extra


July 9th, 2013 at 10:41 PM ^

I thought I hadn't responded yet, so I filled out the form today, but it turns out that I already did so on June 18th. Please don't send me two copies, what is the best way to ensure that this does not happen?