
June 27th, 2015 at 12:01 PM ^

Wait, he actually punctured the flesh of another person with a concealed weapon during an altercation and 4 months is all he got? What kind of sandbox system they running in Wisconsin? 


June 27th, 2015 at 12:57 PM ^

He didn't even stab the guy with knife he stabbed him with a pen, and the "Stabbin" was more like a wild waving of his arms trying to break free of people grabbing him.  And this was after seeing his girlfriend being attacked.     He got jail  bascially for carrying a concealed weapon ( the knife that he didn't use ).  Stupid.  What about the people who attacked them?



Brady Elliott

June 27th, 2015 at 7:06 PM ^

Did new evidence come out that it wasn't a knife? When it first happened I read it was a small knife. The guy he stabbed was out of the hospital two days or the day after it happened so it couldn't have been too bad, relative to stabbings. I live where this actually happened and live 1/4 mile from the bar. Port washington also is very close to where jack and Jackie Harbaugh live. Small Harbaugh world.

LV Sports Bettor

June 27th, 2015 at 2:13 PM ^

over the years it seems including porn and a few weird celebrity reality shows if I remember correctly.

I'm not sure why but I just played the video clip where he makes his plea to the judge and it was seriously excellent I thought. Screech actually won me over with what he had to say. In fact I think I almost believe him when he said he was sorry, etc...