
October 28th, 2011 at 3:55 PM ^

Thanks for forcing me to read the post b/c of the acronym and then the article itself. 

Just one more reason to love this team.  I wish I could have been in the room when Molk called a players meeting after MSU.


October 28th, 2011 at 4:06 PM ^

LB, thanks for posting the link!  Could you do everyone a favor and edit your title to mention Molk's name or something?  I'm lucky I was bored at work and was clicking on every link, desperate for reading material, otherwise I might have missed out on reading it...seriously, there's nothing in the title which mentions anything but reading...something.  You could be talking about the Twilight series, for all we know.

This is one of the most interesting features I've ever read on a M football player, and I think the MGoReaders would love the read...

Thanks again for the link, I really enjoyed the read....fascinating!


October 28th, 2011 at 4:13 PM ^

That brings tears.

Thanks for posting again.  I had a lot of respect for Molk, but even more now.

The Daily is undoubtedly the best paper in the land.


October 28th, 2011 at 4:20 PM ^

Here I am, a grown man, sitting at my desk, reading a newspaper article with tears in my eyes.  I can't be sitting at my desk crying, man!  WTF!?

I know many people have great stories about how they got where they are in life (football players or otherwise), but this definitely ranks up there as one of the best.  Molk is clearly a special, special person and he deserves all the success he has.  Thanks for posting, LB.


October 28th, 2011 at 4:40 PM ^

Thanks for posting. Sometimes we demand so much of them for a simple game that we (or maybe just myself) forget that they are human and are fighting many other battles other than football. His mom would be very proud of him.

Go Molk! Go Blue!


Also, Poor Jack Miller.