
December 23rd, 2010 at 1:11 PM ^

Hilarious.  What gets me is they're eligible for this bowl game because

The players are eligible for the bowl game because the NCAA determined they did not receive adequate rules education during the time period the violations occurred, Lennon said.

AKA follow Newton's 4th Law, just have your parents or loved ones sell items for you.


December 23rd, 2010 at 3:01 PM ^

If you can't do Classified, how about some Super Hero Michigan player gifs? MGoPoints don't come free.

Or you know, if you're not creative, just use my style....don't have a life outside of MGoBlog.



Proud member for 1 Year, 11 weeks

(Like posting stuff, so this thread gets bumped to the top of the page, so more people take a look at why this not intriguingly titled thread keeps getting hits, and then getting rewarded for checking, while this thread gets it's proper attention).


December 23rd, 2010 at 6:17 PM ^

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