Buckeye Man(Thursday MS Paint)

Submitted by The Shredder on
[In a Locker room with the door closed] Pryor: Uh oh fart. Uh oh fart. Tressel: Did you fart, Pryor? Did you fucking fart? Pryor: Fart. Tressel: [Trying unsuccessfully to open the door] How can you stand that? Pryor: I don't mind it. Tressel: How can you stand it? Pryor: Ten minutes to Wapner. We're definitely locked in this locker room with no TV. [In a phone booth] Pryor: It's definitely very small in here. [Tries to leave] Tressel: Small, and safe. Don't wanna miss the party. You know that, there's a party in your honor Pryor. When we get to LA, there'll be a little Corvette. Lawyers are setting it up right now. Know why there's a party for you? Because you're the $3,000,000 man. Pryor: Of course I don't have my underwear. I'm definitely not wearing my underwear. Tressel: I gave you a fresh pair of mine to wear. Where are they? Pryor: They're in the pocket of my jacket. Here. Tressel: I don't want them back. Pryor: These are not boxer shorts. Mine are boxer shorts. These are Hanes 32. Tressel: Underwear is underwear, Pryor. Pryor: My boxer shorts have my name and it says Pryor. Tressel: All right, when we pass the store, we'll pick you up a pair of boxer shorts. Pryor: I get my boxer shorts at K-Mart in Cincinnati. Tressel: We're not going back to Cincinnati, Pryor, so don't even start with that. Pryor: Gotta get my boxer shorts at K-Mart. Tressel: [Pulls over, gets out of the car and yells] WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE WHERE YOU BUY UNDERWEAR? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? UNDERWEAR IS UNDERWEAR! IT IS UNDERWEAR WHEREVER YOU BUY IT! IN CINCINNATI OR WHEREVER! Pryor: K-Mart! Tressel: You know what I think, Pryor? I think this autism is a bunch of shit! Because you can't tell me that you're not in there somewhere! Pryor: Boxer shorts. K-Mart! [Pryor throws a INT to Stevie Brown] [Tressel grabs him by the neck] Pryor: OW! Tressel: Don't make a bad read! Pryor: OW! Tressel: Stop acting like a fucking retard. Pryor: UH-OH! [Pulls out red play book and writes in it] Tressel: What are you writing?... What the fuck is this? "Serious Injury List"? *Serious* injury list? Are you fucking kidding me? Pryor: Number eighteen in 2008, Jim Tressel squeezed and pulled and hurt my neck in 2008. Tressel: Squeezed and pulled and hurt your neck in 2008?


November 19th, 2009 at 12:25 PM ^

Dr. Bruner: Pryor's unable to make decisions Tressel: You're wrong. Dr. Bruner: He can't decide for himself. Tressel: He's capable of a lot more than you know!