
November 16th, 2009 at 9:43 PM ^

Anyone know why? Cincinatti/Kelly are like Hansel (so hot right now) at the moment. I know Smith's commitment has been soft, but, it just seems odd. 'Natti seems like a place kids would flock to.


November 16th, 2009 at 10:36 PM ^

I'm scared about the possible position switches for Ricardo Miller and Jeremy Jackson. I think Miller will stay as a receiver but I have no idea where Jackson projects to. I don't think he's a prototype reciver for RRod's offense, but no idea where he'd go. I could just be speaking out of my ass right now. Nevertheless, he'd be a true tight end and after seeing what we've done with Koger, I'm hoping he'll notice that we utilize the tight end very well.

aMAIZEN slot ninja

November 17th, 2009 at 12:08 AM ^

watching the UCLA game on ESPN and game track on the bottom said he will be making his commitment on Tuesday. As much as it would be great to have him we need defense, defense, and more defense right now


November 17th, 2009 at 12:56 AM ^

If I'm a tight end, I'm looking hard at Wisconsin. They've produced some good ones in recent years, and in that offense, you know you'll get a lot of passes thrown your way...