03 Blue 07

August 21st, 2010 at 4:19 AM ^

Wow. Clearly, the guy screwed up, big time. But I have to be honest- That's one hell of a scathing piece. I mean, he just took the kid to task and destroyed him. Like Drew Sharp. Only in a bizarro world where Drew Sharp isn't one of the biggest tools of all time.

That column was. . .at least to me, in regard to a college athlete for this type of thing, something I've never seen before. He throws in his views on marijuana laws (which, hey, he and i are on the same side as- prohibition is stupid, but that's neither here nor there, and I am damn close to the "no politics" line with that, so, yeah). I just...I don't know- am I crazy, or was that column kind of coming from a different perspective/take...shit- I'm struggling to define it this late at night. I just thought it was a very unique piece, and, at least to me, was very interesting. If nothing else, the author has some serious stones. (No pun intended)

03 Blue 07

August 21st, 2010 at 4:21 AM ^

Yeah, that post by me didn't make much sense. Concisely: very interesting column; glad it was posted; definitely a fresh (to me) sort of m.o. for a column, and I found it thought provoking in its approach.