
June 9th, 2010 at 6:52 PM ^

...apparently didn't listen to Brandon when he said:

"This is a decision that is owned by the admissions department, our admissions office," Brandon said. "It's always been owned by the admissions office. It is not unusual for a letter of intent to be signed with a prospective student-athlete where there's far more that needs to be done for the student-athlete to be admitted. It involves course work, it involves test scores, and a variety of criteria some of which is fact-based and where and how they went about improving their test scores."

This is about Dorsey not doing enough academically to satisfy the Admissions Dept.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Brandon balked at the suggestion he had anything to do with Dorsey not gaining admission.

"That's ridiculous," Brandon said. "Admissions is not part of my portfolio at this university. I've got plenty else that I'm doing.

"The misinformation is the athletic department is involved and there is some conspiracy involved. In this particular case, and, frankly, other cases, the admissions office concluded and made a judgment.

"I think it's unfortunate this particular young man is being singled out with the sensationalism around this, in light of the fact this has happened before and it will happen again. Not everybody passes the test by the admissions department to come to Michigan. And we are not at liberty to talk about the reasons behind a prospective student not being admitted."