Rapture Guy: The Interview Comment Count


Within minutes of posting the Rapture Guy gif last week, a friend alerted me that she did, in fact, know Rapture Guy, and could set me up with an interview—that is, as soon as Rapture Guy returned from Mardi Gras. Clearly, this would be an interesting interview, and on Wednesday evening I got the chance to sit down and chat with the star of the latest MGoMeme.

Rapture Guy has chosen to remain anonymous, and given whose opinion he sought on the matter, I think we can all respect that decision.

"Lloyd Brady is actually a friend of mine, so I know his real name," Rapture Guy told me. "When someone posted on my Facebook wall, 'you’re the new Lloyd Brady,' I was like, ohhhhhh god. I said to him, 'you did it right. I’m going to follow that idea. I don’t want my name out there.'"

He was kind enough to give us a few background details anyway. The man you see above is a junior at the Ford School of Public Policy, as well as a Chinese minor, and he hails from New Jersey—that's where the instinctive fist-pumping comes from, he says.

After the jump, you can find the entire transcript of our interview—in it, he finds a higher power, compares the Ohio State game to Mardi Gras, explains the magical qualities of his banana suit, and by chance runs into his counter-MGoMeme in New Orleans.

[ASSOC. EDITOR'S NOTE: After discussion with the author, this article has been edited materially from its original form in order to remove parts that could have been damaging to someone's reputation based only on hearsay and a grainy gif, and which took attention away from rapture guy. I want to thank the readers who argued with me and turned me around on this--Ace asked both Brian and me to approve the original--and I apologize for having to kill off their comments in order to follow their wisdom.]


Ace: Were you a Michigan fan before you came here?

Rapture Guy: Actually, truth be told, I wasn’t. I wanted to come to Michigan, but prior to me coming to Michigan I was never into college sports. My dad has always been a die-hard college sports fan, so I always loved watching them, and my brother went to Syracuse, so I was an ipso facto Syracuse fan. And then, from the moment I got accepted to Michigan, I started following them. Then I hit the ground running here, got a great group of friends—we go to all the away football games, and [Tuesday night] was actually the first State game we didn’t go to. That’s probably a good thing, I don’t even want to talk about it.

Going to the moment in the gif—what, if anything, was going through your mind at that point?

A lot of my friends made fun of me because I’m the farthest thing from a religious guy, and they’re like, “who the hell were you talking to?”

It was kind of a “seeing God” moment.

Exactly. Honestly, I was just so ecstatic that I think for a brief moment, I was like maybe, maybe they have a point, maybe there’s something up there.

So Nik Stauskas’s three made you find a little religion, possibly?

Religion, I don’t know. A higher being? Damn good chance. There’s a damn good chance.

So if that was your reaction when Stauskas hit a go-ahead three, what did you do when they actually won? Was that the high point or did you have to bring it up to that level again?

I’m trying to remember. It’s worth noting that it was a little fuzzy night, to say the least. After we won, I think I grabbed “Overalls Girl” [laughs] and I think I just lifted her up as high as I could, and then the guy with the hard hat who was right next to me—we’re all very good friends, the kid who’s in front of me who falls down in [the gif], whatever." 

[Ed-S: This is the part that was edited, as well as its associated end-note]

So is the banana suit a normal thing for you?

I was expecting this question. The banana suit only comes out for the biggest of games, only the biggest of games. I’ve had the banana suit since I was a freshman, and like I said it doesn’t come out for normal games. I brought it to Nebraska, for the away football game…

That didn’t go so well.

That didn’t go so well. But Nebraska fans, being the nicest human beings on Earth … I walked out, and the quote that rings through my ears every time I wear the banana suit is this little old lady, who’s about 80 years old, sees me—I have the banana suit and the top is down and I’m walking and my head’s down, I’m on the verge of tears, coming down from a good drunk, it’s just not good—I walk by her and I hear as I’m walking by, “that’s the saddest banana I’ve ever seen.”

Since then I’ve been, well, I’ve got to watch when I bring that out, because I don’t want to hear those words ever again. So I wore it last year for the State and OSU basketball [games], and we won, so I figured it’s evened itself out. Except while we were playing [this year’s OSU game], the banana suit, the top falls down and you have to stuff the top of it, put newspaper in there. It kept falling down over my eyes, and I’m a tall guy as it is, and as you can see from whatever I like to step up on the [bleachers], and it kept falling down.

When it was up, we kept missing shots. Then it falls down, and Tim Hardaway hits a three. So I’m like, okay, coincidence. Then I put it back up and Timmy takes another three, I step up, and it falls off, and he hits it. So I look at my friend and I’m like, “it’s staying off.” I mean, (a) I hate it right now, and (b) it’s lucky. The rest, as they say, is history—Tim hits everything under the planet.

Ohio State game vs. Mardi Gras. What’s the breakdown there? What was the more exhilarating experience?

That’s like choosing your favorite child. That’s hard. The Michigan Man in me obviously says OSU. The man in me says Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras was really just an extended OSU game, while OSU had a lot more glory. I’ll say this: coming down from OSU was great. Coming down from Mardi Gras was Hell on Earth.

Do you read MGoBlog? I will not be offended if you say no.

I’ll be honest, I read it only when someone forwards an article to me, which actually happens a lot. Also, I studied abroad in China this past summer, and everything got blocked, but MGoBlog is up and running. So while I was in China, desperately trying to attach to something American, I was actually reading it a lot over the summer. But I would not consider myself a die-hard, I’m sorry to say.

But you said you know Lloyd Brady personally, so you’ve at least come into contact with the MGoMeme phenomenon.

That’s what I was saying, when somebody sends me stuff, especially the fun stuff—I get a lot of the inside jokes. I had seen the Notre Dame, what’s it [puts his hands to his face]…

Facepalm Guy.

Which, by the way, randomly, I bumped into him on Bourbon Street, and I didn’t know that until I came back. I came back and I was like, wait a minute, I’ve seen that guy somewhere. I bumped into that guy on Bourbon! We had a chat and then I came back and was like, oh my god.

Take me back through when I texted you to get an interview, thinking you’d known about all this.

I was sitting at this café [in New Orleans] that served alligator, and you don’t get a chance to eat alligator every day. I was a little bit intoxicated—it was Mardi Gras. You send me the text. I don’t know an Ace, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about. I looked at my friend, and he’s like, okay, brings it up on his phone, and I just go, “Ohhhhhh, no. This is not good. How do I handle this?” My friend goes, you can either embrace it, or you can resist it, and that doesn’t help anything. So I’m like, alright, f*** it. And my friend goes, “I’m calling you Rapture Guy for the rest of time.”

And then you said you talked to your mom….

Yeah. So, my mom does not know about this gif, and I want to keep it that way. Last year I got the, “[Rapture Guy], I see you on television more than you call me,” which is not a good sign. When she first saw the banana suit, she said, “remember, you have a family to represent, it’s not just you out there.” So right after the game, she calls me and says, “while the pure elation you showed was very cute and made me happy that you’d experienced that happiness, I’m going to reiterate the fact that you are representing more than just yourself, you’re representing your family out there.” I was like, alright, fair enough. Then I of course get a text from my dad, “What the hell are you wearing?”

How weird is it to see yourself in an animated gif?

Weird. Weird is the only word I can think of. As I said to my friend, I’m not sure if it’s a high point or a low point, but it’s certainly one of the two, and I’m not sure which one yet.

We’re considering it a high point.

I’m glad you’re looking at it as a high point.

We’re putting you in contrast with Facepalm Guy

I saw that. I’ll put it this way: I’m glad I’m the high point and not the low. I would prefer that.



February 15th, 2013 at 2:39 PM ^

I've been trying to hold off, but this thread is disturbing and below the usual standards of MGoBlog, where it's not unusual to delete a thread containing speculation of criminal activity.  And yet, here we have a respected mod putting forth such speculation on a front page post.

Yes, I read the interview.  But the fact is that we don't know the relationship of these two individuals wearing the same overalls and eye stickers while sitting next to each other at a game.  I agree that it is creepy at a minimum if they do not know each other.

An alternate explanation?  Headband Guy is in the circle of friends with Rapture Guy and Overall Girl (maybe even Overall Girl's BF), and Rapture Guy thought it would be a good joke on his buddy to say in the interview that none of them know who he is.

Bottom Line #1: It's all speculation.

Bottom Line #2: Accusations of sexual assault ruin lives.

Bottom Line #3: There is no place in this blog for this crap.



February 15th, 2013 at 3:03 PM ^

First, I didn't notice the first touch after multiple viewings, until it was pointed out in this thread. To me it looks like he's trying to tap her on the shoulder, but his fingers get a little too far. I don't see any grabbing going on, except for the mysterious hand that grabs her waist at the end. I think the old idiom "discretion is the better part of valor" applies here and the post should just be deleted.


February 15th, 2013 at 3:18 PM ^

Wait you said you read it and yet you missed the relevant part:

Does Overalls Girl know that kid or no? We were worried about that…
Nope. Nope. Nope.
That was a mystery we hoped would be solved the other way around.
I talked to her yesterday and asked her what her feeling were on this whole thing. She goes, “I thought it was funny at first, but now, looking back, I got downright felt up.” And I was like, yeah, you kinda did.* So I think after we won, though, it was just hugs and pure elation. I don’t know what else in particular I did.

So we know the relationship the two overalled people: none. I believe Ace deliberately left out some of the more damning thing the girl in the overalls had to say about the experience but suffice to say no, they did not know each other at all.

That said, we had a gif on the front page and getting passed around the internet with the MGoBlog logo on it where right next to the main action there is an obvious feel being copped. The explanation was not intended to be an attack or an accusation; I think this is a good example of how to handle this sort of thing responsibly. I'd rather Ace get the information and report on it (and clarify what he's saying below) than just ignore what's pretty plain to see.

So...yeah, if I'm expanding to ombudsman over my copyeditor duties for Ace articles I say this meets the MGoBlog standard. My personal order of preference, as a reader would be: 1.) Post the gif, report on what's in it, 2.) Never have posted the gif in the first place because it could be damaging to the guy doing the creepy thing in it, and last by a mile would be 3.) posting the gif and NOT mentioning the creepy thing.


February 15th, 2013 at 3:38 PM ^

No.  We know that some guy (who refuses to even be identified by name) SAYS these two people (who happened to be dressed alike and sitting next to each other) don't know each other.  That does not make it FACT.  It merely makes it HEARSAY (as pointed out above).  To report it as FACT is completely irresponsible.  And if completely irresponsible journalism at the risk of someone's reputation (if not more) is your standard, then maybe I need to rethink my participation in this forum.

It strikes me as odd that Rapture Guy brought up Headband Guy completely out of the blue... having nothing to do with the question being asked.  Is there more to this interview that we are not privy to?  

Not that it matters, because it still boils down to hearsay and speculation.

Your argument is only valid if you have a quote directly from the woman.

PS: Thanks for insulting my intelligence.


February 15th, 2013 at 4:32 PM ^

Okay not trying to insult your intelligence and not suggesting it. You're here and you're arguing for journalism ethics on solid grounds under the flag of innocence, all things that non-smart people very rarely do unless spurred by some cause. I would guess you're highly intelligent--like 95th percentile--from that alone. Your apparent intelligence just isn't really germane to the case.

The part where Ace interviewed a friend of the girl who went to the game with her and spoke with her afterwards about it--that's information. This is Ace Anbender, not Ace Williams we're talking about here. His credibility is impeccable and he has a pretty good record to demonstrate that.

We have to begin somewhere, so let's assert that a.) You are most likely as or more intelligent than I am, b.) Ace wouldn't lie or publish something he doesn't know to be true, and therefore c.) That this woman did in fact believe she was "felt up" and d.) that is a creepy thing to do.

Where we are arguing over, then, is on whether an accusation of being creepy should be made on the blog given the evidence of what can be seen in the gif, and what Ace's interview subjects. In this I admit that yes there is more than what's published that I learned of while discussing this interview with Ace yesterday and I'm letting that color my judgment when I should be judging the merits of an article based on what is presented in the article.

You and other people make good points. I'm not of a solid mind on this at all. What it keeps coming back to for me is we already put this gif out there, and people ought to have enough perspective to accept information without ruining Headband Guy's life. To that end, Ace's endnote seems to have done more harm than good.


February 15th, 2013 at 5:01 PM ^

I respect that.  And just to be clear, I am not questioning Ace's honesty or integrity here in the slightest.  I have no doubt that Ace interviewed this guy, and this guy said what Ace reported that he said.  But how do I know this guy is telling the truth?  How do I know he isn't embellishing?  How do I know he didn't misunderstand his conversation with the girl?  How do I know he doesn't have a personal vendetta against the guy with the headband and is determined to smear him in public?

So to me the issue is a sourcing issue.  Ace talked to an unidentified guy (at least to us) who talked to an unidentified girl who said that the other guy groped her (maybe, after she thought about it for a bit).  To take that kind of information and spin it as, that guy sexually assaulted that girl, and this gif should be turned over to the police.... man, as they say here in Missouri... that gets my back up.  (I honestly can't tell if that DPS comment was meant to be funny.)

And then we could go on to debate "grope" vs. "grab" vs. "pat" vs. "incidental contact," which is all a matter of perspective, as proven by the fact that multiple reasonable people on this blog have looked at the same gif and drawn completely different conclusions.  But let's not.

All I'm asking is a little more thought when writing about situations like this.  My perspective is one of a guy who had his life turned upside down by a false accusation.  So when I read this thread and looked at that gif, I bristled at the conclusions getting potentially spun out of control in a morass of hearsay and speculation... this guy with the headband, innocent or not, will forever be labeled on the pervert groper on MGoBlog.  And with the level of factual information that we have, that's not fair.



My name ... is Tim

February 15th, 2013 at 6:48 PM ^

I appreciate yours and Seth's candor and thoughtfulness in reviewing and eventually editing the post. Didn't mean any of my comments as an attack. Really was just a language and tone issue more than anything. As a lawyer, I probably am overly sensitive to those things but conversely also realize that your writing can have an unintended effect on the reader. I think the reaction of the board and your response was really a testament to the excellent and thoughtful writing that you guys churn out.


February 15th, 2013 at 5:57 PM ^

I've always respected the fact that the mod's of this blog will quickly delete or lock any thread regarding rumors or tweets of alleged/speculated/implied/unproven illegal or immoral activity.  It's messy stuff that, as tempting as it is, should just be avoided.

My name ... is Tim

February 15th, 2013 at 3:37 PM ^

I agree with your take primarily - I don't have any problem with the issue being addressed at all. I do think the tone and language used indicates that the intentional nature of the action in question is a fact. Ace has said that he did not mean to imply that - and I believe him - but I think going forward, such a situation might want to be handled a little more carefully initially and might want to involve an attempt to contact those directly involved in the situation.

Also, perhaps addressing it separately from the enjoyable quirky Q&A might be preferable in order to avoid applying a light tone to such a discussion.

Just my two cents.


February 15th, 2013 at 3:19 PM ^

You cannot say with 100% certainty that the first "grab" even made contract (we have no depth view and it could just be in front of her). And the 2nd "grab" could hardly be considered an assault (half hugs happen during times like this).

Not trying to say that this guy isn't guilty of targeting this girl. Just that this picture is not enough for this all to be out there.

Everyone Murders

February 15th, 2013 at 4:21 PM ^

I'm a bit surprised that a majority of this board can take it on faith that GRIII did not punch Jordan Hulls but is quick to assume that the facepainted overall guy is groping the blonde woman.

I don't believe that GRIII intentionally punched Hulls.  But it seems that overall face paint guy is not looking at the woman, and is shouting over to someone behind her.  I don't know his intentions, but it seems very possible that he just bumped her as she was jumping around all over the place.  It seems inconsistent that we give GRIII the benefit of a doubt but many here are quick to label the intentions of facepainted overall guy as perverse when (i) he's not looking at her, (ii) she and the rest of the crowd are jumping all over creation, and (iii) it's all taking place over the course of 1-2 seconds.

Bottom line for me is that while I'm mindful of the third-hand accusation and think that groping needs to be taking seriously, I'm not seeing anythying so damning in the .gif so as to label the guy in the overalls as a groper. 

He is, however, guilty of wearing overalls and face paint in public.  That I'm sure of.


February 15th, 2013 at 6:04 PM ^

While it looks like face-paint boy might be trying to get overall-girl's attention with a shoulder tap that missed it's target, he may be looking behind her. Look at hippie-hat have his attention drawn, pause celebration, lean behind overall-girl, and congratulate face-paint boy with a high five. Part of the general celebration, maybe, but the timing is odd as is the way hippie-hat goes right back to what he was doing.

Also, everyone is going crazy except face-paint boy, who's attention is solely focused on overall-girl. What could have had to say to her at that very moment that was so important that it overrode the emotions everyone around him (include her) are experiencing? I think that the tap/grope and hand around the waist are less likely if they know each other, because in that case they'd have plenty of time for that elsewhere and he wouldn't be stopping what he was doing to try and catch a jiggling boob.



February 15th, 2013 at 7:11 PM ^

Who cares what the guy was doing?  If he was sneaking a feel, more power to him.  That's a fine lady.  People are way too sensitive these days.


February 16th, 2013 at 1:21 AM ^

Since Brian basically told Lloyd to go fuck himself and had to apologize the next day. That gif that runs at odd speeds with people jumping around and a hand that may be on an arm, or past on a chest, (though I wonder about the anatomy where that's a breast) for what may be a split second and we're reading intentions into it. And the whole "follow up" story sounds more like someone who was convinced that they were groped than actually felt that way. But it's all so nebulous with things deleted out the whole post should probably be deleted. To call that sexual assault is reactionary at best, irresponsible at worst (if not bordering libel). Next time at Michigan Stadium they start lifting women for each point scored (or remember when they used to pass women up to the top?) we're going to need another front page story on sexual assaults at the game.


February 16th, 2013 at 9:27 AM ^

People who are calling this libelous don't understand what libel is. The takeaway from that part of the interview is that Ace asked Rapture Guy what happened, and he told Ace what happened. He asked Rapture Guy what Overalls Girl's reaction was, and he told Ace what her reaction was. And then Ace printed those things accurately. To find fault with the messenger is dubious, and to say that journalists shouldn't print unflattering information about someone because of how THAT person might react is asinine. We have a video record of what happened. Why on earth would we not want the statements of the people recorded in the video?  

I don't know if you know much about the law in these areas, but the bottom line is that the thing that happened in the .gif is highly questionable, especially given the fact that she did not consent, and felt violated by it. 


February 16th, 2013 at 1:18 AM ^

need to get to the bottom of this with an Ace interview of Overall's Girl.  Only way to put it to rest entirely, cut through the minutiae.  If not, perish the thought, we might have less coed's attending which would be a bloody damn shame!  It's already skewed as it is!  Save us Ace.


February 16th, 2013 at 3:53 AM ^

The guy's hand made contact with the girl's boob...while she is wearing clothes. I'm not about to go reread every post to find out who made this blow up, but come on. What an overreaction.


February 16th, 2013 at 8:03 AM ^

Didn't have the chance to read this yesterday, saw a ton of comments, was ready for an interesting article on the subject of the article. Instead we got an absolutely ridiculous string of conjecture and accusation in the comments over 2 seconds of video in which college kids are jumping all over one another. You should delete the entire post before you get sued, and never run the gif again.