Blue Vet

May 18th, 2018 at 5:04 PM ^

4 months ago, I got negged for pointing out this mistake was a possibility. I wrote:

This scandal is going to hurt the University of Michigan too, because outside the Midwest, many people aren't clear which is "MIchigan" and which is Michigan State. I've encountered that nearly everywhere I've lived — Oregon, Kentucky, Georgia, Pennsylvania, California, Montana, New York. The confusion is especially true in the Northeast, where a friend sent me an email about "Michigan University."


May 18th, 2018 at 5:39 PM ^

error on NPR yesterday morning when they interviewed Engler. They've since fixed it, but here's the correction:

CorrectionMay 17, 2018


In an earlier version of this report, Michigan State University was mistakenly referred to as the University of Michigan. Also, Michigan State's interim president, John Engler, was mistakenly referred to as Jim Engler.…

Section 1.8

May 19th, 2018 at 11:33 AM ^

And it was Rachel Martin who did it.  It was so bad.  She introduced Engler as "Jim Engler."  Engler's first words were, "That would be my brother, Jim Engler.  I'm John.  Although sometimes I wish by brother Jim had this job..."

She gets to the end of the interview, and she did it again, calling him "Jim Engler," to which the former governor reacted, "I'm still John!"

In the midst of all of that, she referred to "the University of Michigan."

I could do with a lot less soft-voice empathy, and a lot more competence, from some of these broadcasters.


May 18th, 2018 at 5:41 PM ^

Possibly off topic but I listen to NPR on my way to work every morning.  They were interviewing Engler about the settlement the other morning and introduced him as Jim Engler.  He said his brothers name was Jim.  Just after that I switched to Spotify.


May 18th, 2018 at 5:44 PM ^

In the meantime, Fox News just reported that Hillary Clinton is allegedly connected to Nasser somehow. They’ll be covering that 24-7 until 2020...


May 19th, 2018 at 12:38 AM ^

That witch is scary no matter who she’s connected to! And a strong resemblance to your avatar too! But sure, use her name to take a stab at ~50 of Americans. Fox=CNN=MSNBC=SadJoke Seriously, sad that a whole generation(s) has to grow up with no real NEWS outlet. Now get off my lawn!

Craptain Crunch

May 18th, 2018 at 8:14 PM ^

It doesn't practice real objective journalism, journalism that actually fact checks with real editors.