
April 17th, 2018 at 8:09 AM ^

Dan: "How did you get appointed to the bench?"
Harry: "You know Dan, that's a funny story. It was the mayor's last day in office and it was a Sunday and my name was at the bottom of the list of a 1,000 candidates. So they start calling folks starting a
t the top of the list. You see it's Sunday and no one's home. So they keep calling down the list, name by name. No one answers. Finally, they get down to the bottom of the list and voila."
Lana: "You mean you were appointed a judge because…"
Harry: "I was home."

[later in the episode]

Harry: "My name was at the bottom of that list of prospective judges because I haven't had much experience, really. But every candidate does go through a thorough screening process. And whatever anybody thinks of that list I was on it."

I argue that this sequence is one of the two greatest lines to end our introduction to a protagonist in TV history.


April 17th, 2018 at 9:58 AM ^

I still am a huge fan of Night Court and I have the entire series on DVD.

But really, I was a fan of Anderson's body of work. I even took up magic on an amateur level because of him. 


April 17th, 2018 at 1:50 PM ^

One of the best guest spots I've ever seen anywhere. By the time Spiner got to "We ate the Necco wafers," I was falling off my chair.

Another good guest spot was Ray Walston's crazy old judge in Season Two's "Harry on Trial," when Harry's screwball antics land him in front of a review board. After Harry resigns, Walston comes by to give him a butt-chewing, and does so with this bit of wisdom that always appealed to me:

You were a breath of fresh air but you disappointed me.
You had potential, but you screwed up.
I quit.
That, in my book, is screwing up.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=night-court-1984&episode=s02e07
You were a breath of fresh air but you disappointed me.
You had potential, but you screwed up.
I quit.
That, in my book, is screwing up.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=night-court-1984&episode=s02e07
You were a breath of fresh air but you disappointed me.
You had potential, but you screwed up.
I quit.
That, in my book, is screwing up.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=night-court-1984&episode=s02e07

Judge: "You were a breath of fresh air, but you disappointed me. You had potential, but you screwed up."

Harry: "I quit."

Judge: "That, in my book, is screwing up."


April 17th, 2018 at 11:19 AM ^

Interesting thing is he was also a certified Apple developer. That’s right, he wrote software for the Mac. He also came to an Apple employee meeting once (1989?) and gave a standup comedy speech. He knew all our products, and really ragged on their shortcomings. Absolutely hilarious.