GUYS... Ever heard a Charlie Clinton?

Submitted by Glen Masons Hot Wife on

Speaks for itself (Michigan Hockey related). Click the link and enjoy.

SPORTSbyBROOKS » One Word Sends Shivers Down His Spine: ‘Record’

I vote to have this kid for every broadcasted game next season. E-mail the PR guy Matt Trevor to voice your support. (Sorry, don't have time to post the link)


May 17th, 2010 at 8:41 PM ^

Charles Clinton is a joy to watch. Mr. Johnson and he should be the only two people ever allowed to dance to the blues brothers. The day he took off his shirt at the Joe in the middle of the song was great. However, it has nothing on the game at Yost where he came in wearing a captain condiment hat. It was a piece of cardboard shaped into a hat with ketchup and mustard packets taped to it. Anyone else remember that? I've also seen him at other Michigan sporting events, seeing him at a sporting event makes my day.