Cyber Monday Sale on the MGoStore Comment Count


Hey, it's online selling things day. If you like this site and are shopping on Amazon for anything, use our Amazon referral link:

Like, if you're buying shoes on Amazon, use the link. If you're ordering a million diapers, use the link. Pass it along. Staple it to your monitor. Or your dog. Use it anytime.

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch

Also we just happen to sell some of our own things online. If you're going to the MGoStore (or Moe's), use the code "CYBERM13" to get 20% off everything today. Like…


My Other House - MaizeAll Your Recruits Are Belong to us

Not My Fault!Panic

And we've put a bunch of last year's stuff on sale.


In reply to by boliver46


December 2nd, 2013 at 11:06 AM ^

That IS generic Amazon. You can buy anything on Amazon and we get credit for sending you there. It's their way of advertising w/ us. 11 Warriors has a similar thing up.



December 2nd, 2013 at 11:49 AM ^

Okay I changed the wording around because people apparently found this confusing.

1. If you go to Amazon you can buy ANYTHING and we will get some $$$ as a referral.

2. If you go to the MGoStore you can buy anything for 20% off today.