Favorite Weis Nickname

Submitted by Jim Harbaugh S… on
My personal favorite is The Great Weis Whale, which nickname do you guys prefer? Other options: Charlie the Hutt Jabba the Weis Fat Charlie Charlie Wuss Pear Bryant


September 9th, 2009 at 10:01 PM ^

Don't neg me cuz I suck at HTML I was fixing it. Also I have no idea why this still isn't in the MGoStore it's a classic!


September 9th, 2009 at 10:10 PM ^

Who does this sound like: "noted for his foul temper, his emotional monologues that end with a frequent flatulence, his vulgar manners, and his unusual eating habits. These go as far as to include a cannibalistic taste for human infants and dwarves, which he gluttonously calls, "The other, other white meat." Come Here! I'm Gonna Eat Ye!