
December 19th, 2011 at 9:00 PM ^

They had an auxiliary feed. There is no way something that large doesn't have a redundant feed that can be switched over inside about 20-30 minutes, if that. Take from your friendly MGoLightsOnGuy. 

EDIT: In  case anyone is curious, the University actually requested that we get our equipment out of the stadium in early 2007, and from that season onwards, the power to the stadium has been the responsibility of the University. Although we did get several frantic calls during the opening moments of the Nebraska game, the University's high-voltage electricians saved the day there. 


December 19th, 2011 at 10:32 PM ^

Hurray for the unsung heroes of high voltage. I almost dropped out of industrial hygiene this summer because an apprentice, high-voltage switchyard electrician position opened up at the power plant i've been assigned to for the last ten months (and next 12 at least). I don't know why ... it just sounded like fun.

I've reached a point where 480 seems just kind of meh and it doesn't sound like electricity talk until it's at least 2400. Seeing the effects of water intrusion on a 13,800v bus begins to expose the true power of electricity.


December 19th, 2011 at 8:56 PM ^

I'm sticking with the "Death Eaters attack San Francisco" story. Much more entertaining. The shot of the transformer going out from inside the stadium was pretty freaky, though.


December 19th, 2011 at 9:41 PM ^

I admire Roethlisberger's toughness, but he's hurting his team by staying out there. You can tell the ankle is really affecting his throws and he isn't playing the Browns this week


December 19th, 2011 at 11:14 PM ^

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.  If you can get your hands on the actual official documentation (police report, etc) of the "incident," it is worth a read.  The situation was at least "different" than the story portrayed by ESPN... I'm not a huge fan of his but after Kobe, Strauss-Kahn, Duke Lax, etc, I can't convict someone based on he-said, she-said... which is exactly what the media likes to do.  In my mind, the incident shows he is an a-hole, but it all doesn't add up (i.e. when describing Ben, the girl gave his listed height and weight... 6'4 256lbs or whatever it was, instead of "oh about 6'5 and maybe 250 lbs"). 


December 20th, 2011 at 1:41 AM ^

just googled a bit. i didn't find the actual report, but i found a few statements, and she initially identifies him by name (which she gets wrong at first). i didn't find anything to say he didn't do it. similarly, since you mention them, it seems to me that kobe and strauss-kahn were probably guilty too, notwithstanding how the formal procedures came out. they shouldn't be lumped in with duke lax.


December 20th, 2011 at 7:53 PM ^

Kobe was guilty?  Cheating yes.  Being a deusch to his wife yes.  Being a huge pussy and buying her a massive ring, yes.  But that girl was uh.... "holding" like 3 other guys uhh.... life-giving-miracle-whip.... in her uh..... yeah.  If you believe her, Santa told me to tell you to send me $10,000 because I'm actually a Nigerian prince.


December 19th, 2011 at 9:53 PM ^

As a fan runs out on the field, the on field camera was on Big Big... turned to the guy next to him and asked if he wanted to tackle him..... then turned to the camera and asked where James Harrison was when you need him. Classic. 


December 19th, 2011 at 10:52 PM ^

Red Wings 1-1
Both BB games still close, Kansas down 55-54, Marq up 54-53
Now I'm watching preseason Clippers -Lakers. I don't care how much people dislike the NBA these teams obviously care.This game has been sick so far, with a huge dunk by Deandre Jordan and some great play by Billups. First quarter is obviously the best in the preseason; once the bench comes in it means less.
Some interesting stuff tonight, glad I'm rocking the two TV man-cave.


December 19th, 2011 at 11:08 PM ^

He's knocked down three huge money shots, two at the end of the shot clock and one at the end of the quarter. He looks big enough for the LA spotlight. Hopefully, he's earning some minutes although I'm sure he's still behind Fisher and Blake.


December 19th, 2011 at 10:53 PM ^

This John Sutcliffe sideline announcer guy is awful, how in the world did this guy lan a job at ESPN and on MNF? It sounds like he can barely speak english or form complete sentences