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August 24th, 2011 at 4:00 PM ^

I realize how frequently it is done, by anybody who is in any kind of a team endeavor.  But it is such a weird use of English; it is almost indecipherable sometimes.  Political candidates say "we."  Race drivers say "we."  Coaches say "we."  I think the "Royal We" ought to be limited to the Royal family.


August 24th, 2011 at 4:11 PM ^

It's actually very simple:

Political candidates- giving credit to their boosters, advisors, etc.

Nascar - Giving credit to their engineers/pit crew

There are plenty of behind the scenes people that make all of that stuff happen and for everyone to just say "I did it" would be flat out wrong and selfish.  When politicians and race drivers say "we," I don't think they mean it as a "royal we" at all. 

However, this instance is weird because Hoke was the only one on the show, so it doesn't necessarily make sense.

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August 24th, 2011 at 5:04 PM ^

It is no problem to do that.  You can refer to "we" in terms of the team and the coaching staff.

i.e., "We've got to find guys on the defensive line we can rely on."  That seems like perfectly good usage.  Hoke, and his coaches need to identify those position-fillers.  The players need to compete hard, to be those position-fillers.  "We."  Together.

And actually this time, Brady Hoke didn't say anything wierd, until the last line of the interview.  He appreciated the radio host "having us" on the program. 

Huh?  What is that?  How many Brady Hokes are there?  It was just Brady Hoke, Head Football Coach at the University of Michigan.  I don't like that usage, because it just isn't a clear use of the language.  It is a deliberately incorrect usage, done for effect.  And I also don't like that it seems to dilute the responsiblity that one single person takes for his words.  I mean it is nice and all, if Brady Hoke thinks that he and the team are one, and that it is all about theteamtheteamtheteam.  And so it is "Us."  I just think it is cliche, that's all.  I like knowing what Brady Hoke has to think, for himself.  And what he has to say about what he thinks.  He's in a position of mighty authority.  He can say what he thinks, and take responsibility for it.  Saying 'thanks for having us [me]' is the language equivalent of teams that raise four fingers at the end of the third quarter.  Yeah, we get it.

And I fully recognize what a long list of people I have to complain about, if I propose to start picking on Brady Hoke for this tiny infraction of English usage.  Indeed, part of what is so lame about all of this is that everybody does it, and it would be so different, so refreshing, to have a coach that didn't do what Brady Hoke did at the end of that interview.