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Hmmm interesting retweet from Jabrill

It's the 6th one down, Oscarelli or something to the effect.  Jabrill to safety???  Also if you keep scrolling he says something to the effect of, the way they feed us here makes us swell up, i'ma be 215 by season....whoa.  There's no bad weight on that boy.

edit: didn't see this info had already been posted.

imagine if we can pull his

imagine if we can pull his big ass...


r/CFB seems to think he has a learning disablity related to OCD.  Something like a 1.6 GPA his freshman year, now I believe as a senior he is right aorund a 3.5. I'm sure grade inflation has something to do with it but still.


I kind of thought he disrespected us a bit, "get back to your precious school" It was just the way he said it I guess.  I most of the time find Caliendo pretty funny.