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Of course my husband decided Of course my husband decided to head west to kzoo tonight. I'll be in A2 alone. Maybe will come anyway
This presser is the happiest This presser is the happiest moment I've had in years. He's so fantastically crazy!
Proud to work there, even when I wear my Brandon NICU shirt Proud to work there, even when I wear my Brandon NICU shirt
i went back very weird experience.....Utah fans had taken over. It was like the apocalypse. All I could think was Thank God this is Utah red, and this isn't happening with MSU or OSU.

I did Stupid me chose MSU over UM in 1983. Had planned on going to michigan always. MSU was my safety school. Accepted at both, went to both orientations, but was put off by Michigan arrogance, so went to MSU. Dumb. Dropped out of MSU and eventually returned and graduated from Michigan. Wish I could take that mistake back..
What a Douchebag. I can't decide if you're an immature asshole or a 40/50 really old super asshole. So I'll settle on douchebag
Lol Lol lol lol. Oh god help us
Love This this this
Hopslam as well Went to Bells for a draft. Good stuff
Me too Confused. WTH. I love college sports because I love the atmosphere. So fed up with this
Lloyd Was looking stunned walking out of the stadium, walked right by him....he was shocked like the rest of us
Female! 47
Life long Michigan fan
Work at Mott
UM BSN and Vanderbilt MSN
Live primarily in Kalamazoo, but bought a "tailgate house" as, well, a tailgate house on Hutchins last year.
Season ticket holder for football, hockey and basketball
Bad call What a shit call
ND here! Absolutely cannot wait for the second great experience. Now everyone can go (I have 8 tix)!
Oberon Lots and lots of Oberon!
God bless Michigan! America! Oberon! Jim Henson!
Geez Perhaps some need to lighten up.
Female here who is actually more offended by the "women don't read sports blogs" than the original comment. I doubt the OP was that serious.