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So called Targeting Rule

The targeting rule is such bullst --- the offensive player is doing anythign to avoid being hit ad the defensive player is trying to anticipate the other players move in a split second - less than reaction time allows -- wish the fat ass officials at NCAA who make these rules woiuld try to stop a running back or QB on an end-run and decide in a split-second wheher to lay-down the shoiulder or not  -- gee -- if you're leading with your shoiulder aren't you also leading with your head which is located right next to your shoulder?  PENALTY!!!  

What a stooped rule!  

IT'S KIND Of like building permit and zoning rules -- justs sets up for somone to be paid off!   

Wonder what it costs to get an official to call a "targeting" violation -- I guess it depends on how importan tthe game is.