Winston, Jenrette dismissed from MSU football team

Submitted by MGoStoob on
Warning, FreeP content/links below, but MSU has dismissed Glenn Winston and Roderick Jenrette. MSU "released a statement from coach Mark Dantonio that said the players violated team rules. No information was given as to the nature of the rules violation." Freep link for details:…


November 25th, 2009 at 10:08 AM ^

BOOM. Might I humbly suggest that, in the future, you check to make sure a subject hasn't already been posted three times before posting? I must admit that, if their intention was to be mentioned in mgoblog, our "friends" up in EL were defninitely successful beyond their wildest dreams.


November 25th, 2009 at 12:08 PM ^

A helpful hint: Try the search box in the upper right hand corner. I would imagine that if you typed in "Winston," some of the recent MGoBoard posts would have popped up on the results screen. There's been a lot of activity the past couple days, and about 6 Cullen Christian threads, 5 Michigan State threads, and multiple Jimmy Clausen threads. Just try the search next time. Happy Turkey Day.