Wolverine In Exile

April 22nd, 2010 at 10:06 AM ^

- First off we know that Fearless Leader has no parents, he was created in a vat in a storage room off of 1800 CHEM from excess DNA strands of Yost, Schembechler, and Ninef Agakhan - Second, stalking the x.500 directory, there are no Brian Cook's with a middle name of "Biff". As we all know from google stalking recruits, everything you find on university or high school directories must be true. (did you know there are 246 matches for 'Cook' in the umich.edu directory?) - Finally, we all know from his bio that Brian's middle name is not named after the Wolverine mascot Biff, he was actually named after his lab technician's favorite physicist, hence the name, Brian Neilsbohr Cook.