
August 23rd, 2011 at 11:48 PM ^

$800 for synthetic vagina, or $5 for a warm apple pie. Obviously Ohioans are not thrifty. Next time I suggest ramming into a Mrs. Fields or a good diner.

Happy Gilmore

August 24th, 2011 at 7:46 AM ^

The law, Senate Bill 17, prohibits gun owners from consuming alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they bring their licensed weapons into establishments that serve alcohol, Reuters notes. Businesses can ban concealed weapons for safety reasons. Already the Cincinnati Bengals football team has said it will ban weapons from its stadium. Ohio joins 42 other states that allow licensed concealed firearms to be carried into restaurants...
What is wrong with people being able to protect themselves if they are law abiding, honest citizens? In order to carry a concealed weapon anywhere (including now to anywhere that serves alcohol), said person cannot consume or be under influence of any alcohol or drugs and must have taken a certification class and passed a state-certified test. The people who legally carry a concealed weapon are people who have been educated on, and understand the responsibility of, what carrying a weapon entails; they understand the only situation in which it is legal for them to draw their weapon (life-threatening situation). It's not like there's going to be a bunch of drunk ignorant people running around with concealed weapons brandishing them at each other...that would be one way to get arrested/lose your license real quick.