US Team sits Shuster

Submitted by clarkiefromcanada on
John Shuster is a good curler and it's difficult to see him demoted mid Olympics. I hope the US team is able to bounce back from such close losses although I am uncertain the impact of Shuster not calling the games which (apart from his last rock and his teams sweeping miscues) have been very solid. FWIW Shuster is a classy guy and took that well.

Wolverine In Exile

February 19th, 2010 at 9:12 PM ^

As Brian mentioned in his TSB entry, why curling has such an inordinately high concentration of good looking women (even the Sarah Palin look a like on the US team ain't half bad) defies all laws of logic considering the physical stresses of curling amount to how many 12 oz curls you can do before not being able to stand on the ice.

Tshimanga Cowabunga

February 19th, 2010 at 8:00 PM ^

that shot was much tougher than any of the shots Shuster had to win. That being said, it seemed the team missed Shuster's leadership tho not his throws. Nice to finally get a win for both teams today.


February 19th, 2010 at 11:26 PM ^

Good to see the US pick up a win at last. Still, I was surprised to see Shuster benched completely - he seemed to be doing okay as a skip, just choking on the pressure of last rock. I probably would have moved him to third after the Switzerland loss. Smith seems to be playing well in the clutch as the fourth. Still time for a miracle...


February 21st, 2010 at 2:00 PM ^

I think you're right with the mis-sweeping, but regardless, his confidence was absolutely shot, and curling is all mental. He looked drained on the ice, and was apologizing after every shot. Shuster just wasn't capable of knowing he could make the draw on the last stone, and that messes with your strategy and shotmaking all through the end. Smith is playing with a lot more calm and confidence. Keeping Shuster on the ice is the right move though - I was very surprised when he was flat-out benched for a game. Whatever they are doing is working so far, so fingers crossed. The women's team is in the same position, I think, and should consider a similar move.


February 21st, 2010 at 2:21 PM ^

but moreso draining when you play so many games close, call them wall and then you and your guys screw up colossally. Shuster wasn't throwing that poorly but he was throwing to the clock and not so much feeling the shot. I would agree that keeping Shuster on the ice would have been the best play (let him throw the second stones, for example). I think after watching the beatdown from Canada on Deb McCormick (originally of Saskatchewan) it's pretty much over for her. I would like to see USA in the top 4 (hating the Murdoch team) but I can't see them easily getting past Kevin Martin who is playing like, well, Kevin Martin.


February 21st, 2010 at 2:40 PM ^

but yeah, Martin seems to be playing pretty lights out. What's so frustrating for me about the US losses is exactly what you said, that they've been playing well but for a small number of colossal screwups that cost them games. The Canadian women actually (and surprisingly) left a lot of openings for McCormick - if she had draw weight, they may have found themselves 4 or 5 up after 5 ends instead of down 5. To use a football analogy, it was like watching Forcier throw those INTs in the OSU game. The Buckeyes looked vulnerable, and we were playing well enough to maybe eke out a win... and then epically failed.