A thought about Jan.2nd

Submitted by Ziff72 on

This is not a CC post.  I don't want any dicussion about what the decision will be, but I have heard Brian be pretty sure that we'll know by Jan 2nd and I have heard that same thought echoed by most everyone else.

My question is that if this is true how will Brandon not come off looking like a complete liar?  

It would be hard to sell he did a complete program evaluation, did an exhaustive coaching search and then hammered out the contract in 15-20hrs.   Even if Brandon has his guy, I would think he would at least bring in other candidates or talk to other candidates to give the impression of doing an exhaustive search to find the right person.   

I think he won't say a thing until a few days after and if he is making a change he will have seperate press sonferences several days apart.   Maybe Jan 5th-15th I think is a more likely time frame depending on what he does.  Brandon has been all about upholding Michigan's image  and saying he is sticking to his word so it would seem unlikely to me he comes out on the 2nd with a backroom deal that would go against what he has said..

What do you think? Am I off base here.