Thank You, Seniors

Submitted by PitchAndCatch on

The Ride Ends for UofM Seniors

Good article putting things into perspective.  This senior class is the epitome of the "Those who stay..." mantra.  Here's to sending them out in the best fashion possible with a big W over the motion W.





November 18th, 2010 at 8:25 PM ^

That looks like the ever so awkward " going in for the hug but got rejected so I'll back out with a chest to chest handshake" moment .  Hug Fail!


November 18th, 2010 at 8:27 PM ^

A helpful tip to everyone:

Embedding something, anything, to your post (which results in 10 damn embeds in every thread over 30 replies) does not make your penis larger.


November 20th, 2010 at 1:09 AM ^

I'd also like to thank the seniors in the marching band, including by brother.  I think that they're a little underappreciated, but they should not be.  They work tirelessly for every Saturday and consistenly show why they're the best damn band in the land.