Survey for MGoBlog Users (For an MBA class)

Submitted by will on

So my summer MBA course is on Branding, and we've been assigned a task of writing up a branding position and strategy document for one of our favorite websites.

There were two obvious options for me, MGoBlog or Slickdeals. I decided to go with MGoBlog for the simple reason one portion of the paper will be on what differentiates the site from the competition. The differences between Slickdeals,, Fat Wallet, and all of the other options are so subtle, it would have been far more difficult.

Part of the paper involves identifying demographics for the purpose of market segmentation; As I don't have access to Brian's web traffic, I figured the best way to gather this data would be through a quick survey.

I understand that I am introducing some bias by making the survey available on MGoBoard, which may be a slightly different community that those only readying MgoBlog itself, but as I lack the power to post directly to MgoBlog (everyone is thankful for this), this is the best I can do.

If you could take a minutes, its only a 10 second anonymous survey.



July 7th, 2012 at 2:32 PM ^

I completed it as well but I do have a few questions for you:

1. Why did you need my drivers license number?

2. Why did you need my bank account routing information?

3. Are you REALLY a Nigerian Prince?

Anyways I did as you asked.  Now I want my $12,000,000,000 you promised to send me because of the untimely death of your father the king.



July 7th, 2012 at 2:43 PM ^

Always glad to help out a fellow MBA.

Feel free to share the results / conclusions in a diary, if you would like. I imagine there would be some interest. There have been a few MGoDemographic threads in the history of the board, and they have been intriguing.


July 7th, 2012 at 3:13 PM ^

You may want to search back in the archives for Brian sponsored polls (such as the one about RAWK music in the stadium). I believe there was a whole segment for demographics in that post.


July 7th, 2012 at 4:34 PM ^

Thanks guys,

Over 200 responses in the first hour, but SurveyMonkey will only let me see the first 100 responses. I'll have to decide whether this paper warrants the $24 to upgrade long enough to download the rest of the results.



July 7th, 2012 at 5:47 PM ^

Glad to help, but I agree with some of the other posters...I would love to see the results!

Keep us posted if you can.