The Saturday Evening "What Are You Drinking?" Thread

Submitted by bokee88 on

At The Benchmark drinking vodka. Looooong drive home tomorrow.

(Slight Mod Edit / Repurposing - if we're going to have a drinking thread, then this may as well be the one. You're welcome. Great Lakes Brewing Company's Dortmunder Gold at the moment. LSA)



March 16th, 2013 at 10:55 PM ^

What bars are u at? If you are at a bar in Chicago, you shouldn't be reading the blog. You should be doing something else, however, I know you are. We all are. Where r you?

One Inch Woody…

March 16th, 2013 at 10:58 PM ^

I'm just wondering why you are inconsistently spelling "you" as "u" and "are" as "r"? Is there a particular reason? Are we on twitter where there is a character limit? That'd be news to me.

eamus_caeruli (not verified)

March 17th, 2013 at 12:18 AM ^

I don't really know where to actually reply, but in all honesty, what just happened above was horrible. Strike that, turrible!!

Good thing these Bells Smittens go down so smooth and fast to help me get over it.

Darth Wolverine

March 17th, 2013 at 12:01 AM ^

These threads are so lame and made too often. I am fine with one every now and then, but come on. People should quit doing these dumb threads.