OT - Southern Hospitality and the Dating life

Submitted by bronxblue on
Saw this article on The Journal about Auburn and how fraternity members are trying to bring dates to the games in order to assure future choice seating. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703683804574532052658242422.html Some keepers from the article: Factors considered for a particular girl
  • "Those who seem bored are eliminated from further consideration, he says, along with any who might talk too much during a close game 'because they're from up North or something.'"
  • According to several sophomore members of Auburn's Sigma Nu chapter, the best quality to look for in a date is that she makes a good "babysitter" (read: she will take care of you if you get too drunk).
  • Others say the best dates won't mind doubling as bourbon-transportation vehicles. (Taping a flask to a date's leg is, by many accounts, another age-old Southern football tradition.)
  • "[T]here are two kinds of girls who don't know about football—the ones who want to learn, and the ones who don't."
Factors considered for/against a particular Fray guy
  • [Cons] "Men who might ignore them, abandon them after the game or fail to hug them at touchdowns (another tradition) are to be avoided. Frat guys who get so drunk that they can't make it to the game, pass out during the game or are tossed out by security, can be blacklisted."
  • [Female fan] "says that because fraternities control the prime seating and throw the best tailgate parties, many women who love football games have no choice to put up with some less-than-gentlemanlike behavior from their dates. "It happens," she says."
And the money shot: "It's a tradition of Southern chivalry," said Mr. Poteat, the finance major. "It's what's always been done. We're trying to build better men."

03 Blue 07

November 16th, 2009 at 10:38 AM ^

I read this article and thought it was kind of cool. That's one tradition they have down there that I am kind of jealous of- getting all dressed up for games and bringing some hot Southern Belle in a sundress. If I didn't care about academics, Ole Miss or LSU would've been quite a good time.


November 16th, 2009 at 11:02 AM ^

Some of the comments were a helpful addition to that article. I haven't had the SEC football experience yet, but I'd like to. It appears to be a mixed bag; "tradition" sometimes involves dark thoughts and acts. Thankfully we have Columbus nearby to give us a little "southern." Ypsilanti, too. I'm sure this speaks to my lack of breeding, but I'll wear a coat and tie to Michigan Stadium only at gunpoint (or if I get to sit in Bill Martin's space).