OT (sorta): type in uofmrejects.com for a good laugh

Submitted by uchi on



October 12th, 2015 at 1:38 AM ^

This is such a tired and lame dig. Cool tech stuff, I guess, but I get sick of people talking crap about schools that are damn good in their own right.

Bring on the negs. It's easy to be a buzzkill at 1:40 on a Monday morning.


October 12th, 2015 at 6:34 AM ^

Believe it or not, a lot of people that went to MSU never applied to Michigan. I know dipshits with Michigan diplomas and extremely successful people from State. The dipshits with Michigan degrees are usually the ones that need to brag about their high school credentials to feel better about themselves.


October 12th, 2015 at 6:54 AM ^

There are many people that went to MSU that never applied to Michigan who would not have gotten in. It's not a personal opinion, it's admission stats. Michigan is a competitive school to get in to. There are other schools that Michigan students would be rejected from too. My point was that doesn't mean that (because Michigan takes Harvard rejects or that State takes Michigan rejects) they're lesser schools. It doesn't matter who you are, there's always someone better.


October 12th, 2015 at 8:39 AM ^

I guess I don't understand why supposedly functioning adults want to use ACT scores, high school GPAs and other completely irrelevant metrics as some kind of objective indicator of value or intelligence. You could reasonably argue that a public educational institution should aspire to educate as many people as possible regardless of whether or not they volunteered frequently at age 15 and took the AP exams, and that the point of a college education is to, you know educate. You can do hate week without the academic pissing contests.


October 12th, 2015 at 9:23 AM ^

The resentment State fans feel toward Michigan has its origins in the disparity between the academic institutions, not sports. It's a cold, hard fact, not a rivalry joke, that people who went to State were probably rejected by Michigan, if they even bothered to apply. State fans comprise a higher percentage of alumni than Michigan fans do, and those alumni become obsessed with beating Michigan in sports because, academically, the difference between the two institutions is so vast the whole notion of a contest is risible.


October 12th, 2015 at 11:42 AM ^

Is that a fact? I don't think State fans resentment is anything special or unique, it's a dynamic on display across the country in states where one school is dominant in terms of success and fan interest without regard to academic reputation. Vanderbilt fans resent UT. UCLA fans resent USC. Georgia Tech fans HATE Georgia. It's a little brother complex, not a herpa derpa complex. Plenty of State students never even apply to UM


October 14th, 2015 at 10:13 AM ^

Over 50% of UofM's student body is from OUT OF STATE. Why? Because they pay three times as much tuition, so UofM accepts as many of them as possible, at the expense of potential in-state students. Michigan State, on the other hand, prefers to support people that actually live in our state, and (while I can't seem to find exact numbers with a very brief google search), is generally known to have at least 85% or higher of in-state kids as a percent of the total student body.
So let's look at the numbers, UofM has ~43,000 students and only 50% are from Michigan. That's only about 21,500 spots for in-state students. On the other hand, Michigan State has around ~50,000 students, with ~85% from in-state. In other words, MSU has 42,500 spots for in-state students. Basically, MSU has almost as many in-state students as UofM has TOTAL students!
That means that every year (assuming 1/4 of the spots are constantly rotating each year with the number of graduates being replaced by the same number of incoming freshman) UofM only has ~5,000 spots for in-state freshmen and MSU has over 10,000. And UofM isn't getting the top 5,000... they are splitting the top 10,000 with Michigan State, and then in addition to that, Michigan State is taking the next top 5,000 as well. So basically, out of the top 20,000 students in the state every year, 10k go to MSU, only 5k go to UofM, and 5k go to other schools as well.
This is actually the whole reason Michigan State exists, because time and time again UofM has failed to serve the needs of the people who actually live in Michigan! Back in 1855 the whole state was being settled by people who knew nothing about farming. They needed someone to teach them how to survive, but UofM turned their back on them. So a small agricultural school was created to meet the needs of the state, and due to UofM's continued arrogance and short sightedness, that school has grown into a bigger and better university than the one in Ann Arbor.
And now, even 160 years later, you guys still show the same arrogance that lead to MSU's creation, sitting in here and bragging that you don't have capacity or ability to adequately serve in-state kids. lol