OT: Rank the order that these will happen

Submitted by AVPBCI on

Rank in order the soonest to happen to the latest, feel free to put your thoughts on what the penality will be if any, along with any other NCAA scandal ( PSU more child enticement stuff, can they be penalized any more with the new stuff ? )

Here are your current 7 choices.


1. Sanctions for North Carolina for the Academic Scandal ( my goodness taking way to long to come down with something )

2. Sanctions from NCAA for Louisville Prostitutes

3. Ole Miss paying player Scandal

4. Baylor rape scandal penalties by the NCAA

5. Tennessee Butch Jones scandal ( if anything if it even is a scandal)

6. Alabama Sanctions from the DL coach who quit

7. 10 days for Satellite Camps/ New Provisions/ NFL included in






June 20th, 2016 at 2:45 PM ^

Soonest/Most likely to latest/least likely:

1 - Satellite Camps

2 - Baylor

3 - Ole Miss

4 - Tennessee

5 - UNC

6- Bama

7 - Louisville 

Ty Butterfield

June 20th, 2016 at 2:48 PM ^

Not sure if serious. We all know that the only thing that will happen is the NCAA will try to ban satellite camps again until somebody sues. The rest will never happen.


June 20th, 2016 at 2:49 PM ^

This just points out how sick the NCAA is.  The ONLY thing they're actually worried about right now is #7.  Which is known to HELP kids.  Disgusting. 

True Blue Grit

June 20th, 2016 at 4:13 PM ^

As long as they have a monopoly on regulating college sports and the truckloads of money keep pouring in, they can sit there like the smug assholes they are and do nothing.  However, if at some point some group of schools band together, say "enough", and threaten to leave the NCAA, then they will start to care.  


June 20th, 2016 at 4:49 PM ^

To be fair, a business that racks up billions of dollars in TV and apparel income can be called a lot ot things, but "obsolete" isn't one of them.  In fact, if anything, they are a reflection of some of the biggest social issues facing us right now.  

They are a corporation run amok that doesn't give a shit about anyone but themselves and anything but money.  They run their workers into the ground and pay them as little as possible.  The executives at the top are grossly overpaid.  The people who make the decisions are out of touch with those who are affected the most by their policies.

"Obsolete?"  No.  How about "obstinate," "obnoxious," "oblivious," "obtrusive" or "obscene?"



June 20th, 2016 at 5:01 PM ^

I guess I meant obsolete based on the principal of what they claim to be.  A governing body to ensure amateurism in college athletics.  What they have become compared to what they were created for is nearly unrecognizable!


June 20th, 2016 at 2:58 PM ^

really crazy to me that parents will still allow their kid to go play for a Rick Patino team.  Seriously, think about that for a second.  He is the guy they trust their child to.


June 20th, 2016 at 2:54 PM ^

Yep, a great illustration of the NCAA's current state.

Satellite Camps are a sure bet. Nothing else is. I'd say probably a tsk tsk for Baylor. Nothing else I would even rate as at least 50% likely.


June 20th, 2016 at 3:13 PM ^

These constant reminders of the NCAAs ineptitude is depressing. Here's my 2 cents:


1. 10 Day time frame for Satellite Camps.

2. Now I don't think anything else will happen, BUT if any team is going to get punished it's Baylor. The NCAA and Big 12 (aka TexASS) don't care about Baylor. They are the perfect "fall-guy" program.


Least likely to get touched is Alabama. That was just laughable.


June 20th, 2016 at 3:19 PM ^

The others might as well have never happened.

Edit. Need to revise and add one. UM gets dinged practice time and a scholarship for Harbaugh posing for pics with recruits. Then Baylor is handled.


June 20th, 2016 at 4:31 PM ^







            and #7.


June 20th, 2016 at 6:28 PM ^

I think a better question would be, how do we genuinely effect change? We can sit here and whine and bitch all we want, but if nothing changes what difference does it make?


June 20th, 2016 at 8:11 PM ^

I read a new age book on quantum mechanics 25 years ago and they said that if 100,000 people concentrated on lifting a pick up truck at the same time they could make it levitate 11.5 feet off the ground.  Or cause anything to happen really.   We have a stadium that fits over 111,000 people.   Maybe we could have a moment of silence for NCAA re-organization.


June 21st, 2016 at 6:45 PM ^

No way anything happens to any SEC program. Baylor will be a sacrificial lamb (that does deserve it) as a "See? We aren't toothless!" type statement. But satellite camps will be their clear focus.