One Of Your Mods Eats A Lemon...

Submitted by LSAClassOf2000 on

I couldn't fathom the seeds, but this was actually the second lemon. I practiced on one before I tried to film this. Apologies for laptop webcam quality.


September 2nd, 2014 at 9:24 PM ^

For any other MGoBloggers who want to take the lemon challenge using dining utensils. I section and consume a lot of grapefruit; this technique has never failed me:

1. Take a small paring knife and cut around the inside of the lemon,just between the pith and section membrane, until completing the full diameter.

2. Make one incision from inside one section to the center of the fruit.

3. Insert a small spoon into the cut section and twist in and up, releasing a pie-shaped piece of fruit. 

4. Once the first section is released you can repeat without the need for the relief cut on the other sections.

5. ?????

6. Profit.

Son of Lloyd Brady

September 2nd, 2014 at 10:20 PM ^

Obvious sarcasm is obvious, but I distinctly remember friends tricking people into searching that site when I was in high school. Boy was I glad I didn't have a smart phone back then...

(On another note, never take website suggestions from someone that has an avatar like that and is also name Carlos Spicyweiner)


September 2nd, 2014 at 8:53 PM ^

I'm not so sure that training camp is allowed when it comes to this seedy activity. After gRINDing this over a bit, though, we'll let it pass. A for effort, D for coming close to ND or ohio academic standards (I ain't come here to eat lemon?)

An Angelo's Addict

September 2nd, 2014 at 9:07 PM ^

One of the greatest things about the lemon challenge is seeing what everyone looks like. LSA, I'm so jealous of your goatee. If my facial hair ever grows in like a regular person I'd love to grow one someday

Ghost of BCook…

September 2nd, 2014 at 9:07 PM ^

LSA - I had this very distinct, detailed idea of what you looked like in my head, and now it's ruined.  I hate the internet, kills the imagination. 

Job well done, however. 


September 2nd, 2014 at 9:19 PM ^

You know, now that I think about it, if we watch our fearless leaders eat lemons like that it is going to really make me doubt them. Like, you never see a president eat a lemon and put it on the internet, or a dictator. 

That being said I'm very eager to watch Brian's lemon eating. Can't wait.

XM - Mt 1822

September 2nd, 2014 at 9:33 PM ^

the manner of your eating of the second 1/2 of the lemon is called 'montana red dog', and comes from the habit we had in college of taking our dip (chewing tobacco) without using hands.  simply opening up the tin and, in effect, biting the tobacco and packing it neatly in one fell swoop.   took some practice, especially if you had 4 of anything to drink.   fortuntately it's been 30 years since i dipped - a habit left in college.

fyi, the montana red dog comes courtesy of and in honor of one of our college buddies from montana.   so crazy was bakes that he once came face to face with a treed mountain lion on a hunt, on purpose.  but that's a story over a few beers.  we'll plan that mgobbq for november.  



September 2nd, 2014 at 10:11 PM ^

Well, I hope 36 isn't all that old, although I believe it might be at least slightly above the median age for MGoBlog. Either way, perhaps it is the fact that I didn't wear my glasses when I did this. Then again, perhaps the glasses would make me look older. I am so confused now.