Meta: Forum topics....

Submitted by michiganfanforlife on

Am I the only one who gets really frustrated that when you click to advance past the fist page of forum topics, you get two Diary boxes instead? The only way I can click through the Forum topics is to go to recent posts, and that doesn't always work either. It's been like that since the crash madness, and I kept thinking it would be fixed. It's doing this when I use three different browsers also, so it's not just my IE.  Please fix the bugs mgobadassprogramers. 


May 18th, 2012 at 7:27 AM ^

All you have to do is come here so often that you never need to go past the first page of forum topics.  That way, it's never an issue.  

Leaders And Best

May 18th, 2012 at 7:28 AM ^

Instead of clicking to advance to the next page, right click on it and select "open in new tab."  This will open the mgoblog page in a new tab with the next page of forum topics on it.  Slightly more inconvenient, but it works...


May 18th, 2012 at 10:11 AM ^


Over on this sidebar, near the top with all your other account information links, is a link saying "Recent Posts". It'll change the way you browse this site forever.


May 18th, 2012 at 10:21 AM ^

C'mon now IE9 is not that bad and is loads better than anything Redmond has pushed out recently. 

If anything Firefox has been getting a little bloated over the years and frankly it just doesnt seem fast for me at all. 

Chrome works great on home PC's but in a business I can see how that wouldnt work so good as I still get crashes on it for stupid little things.   


May 18th, 2012 at 11:05 AM ^

The reality is that they don't really want people spending any time on the internet, so there is zero initiative to do an update. I mean I use other browsers when at home, but here, I check some news, some sports, and mgoblog. Anything else is not worth it, I do have work to do.



May 18th, 2012 at 10:49 AM ^

I really, really, really hate when people say this.  Browser snobbery is silly to begin with, but it's like if you built a bridge and said "now everyone can cross this river" but the bridge wasn't compatible with a certain widely-used car brand and you just told people they're driving the wrong car.  No, you built the bridge wrong.


May 18th, 2012 at 11:09 AM ^

Except when it comes to IE, your analogy is all wrong.

Imagine if there was a standards group that developed standards for bridges, such that bridge makers could follow them and gurantee all standard-compliant cars could cross, and car makers could follow them and be able to cross any standard-compliant bridge. But then a car company, lets call them Microcar, used their monopoly on freeways to get 90%+ of the car market, and then started making cars that were incompatible with standard-compliant bridges, and then only bridges built to be Microcar specific could handle Microcar cars. They use this to get a monopoly on bridges too, and then stagnate on car innovation because they have no competition due to everyone else being incompatible with the non-standard bridges.

Eventually, however, a new car maker comes out with a standard-compliant car that is so much better than the Microcar car that it gains traction despite not working with many bridges. Bridge makers notice, and start building standards-compliant bridges again. Other companies notice, and start building standards-compliant cars too, taking even more of the car market from Microcar until Microcar is now has less than half of all the cars on the road. Microcar eventually updates its cars to compete with the new featuress from the competition, but it can't just abandon the Microcar specific bridges, so it's still having issues crossing all the new standard-compliant bridges. If it had just stuck to the standards, everyone would be crossing any bridge just fine.

TL;DR: The widely-used car brand made this mess by ignoring bridge standards


May 18th, 2012 at 12:38 PM ^

Sorry about that, but the solution isn't to code to the one browser that refuses to meet standards, it's to hope the corporate intergalactic headquarters come to their senses and use a standards-compliant browser (and if they pay any attention to current marketshare trends, hopefully that will be soon). I know it sucks for the people that work for those companies, but we've seen what happens when web sites program for IE instead of standards. It sucks for everyone.


May 18th, 2012 at 11:43 AM ^

Hey, while we're on the topic, have you guys also noticed that votes don't have an effect on points anymore?? I don't know how long it's been, but all of a sudden, votes became meaningless. Posbangs now have an empty listlessness to them. Negbangs aren't even possible! I don't know what to do.

Please advice.


May 18th, 2012 at 11:58 AM ^

...just because it doesn't matter anymore. Feel free to reciprocate. Pos/negbangs haven't mattered since the Great Malware Disaster, IIRC. It's my #2 complaint on a very short list of things I want changed on MGoBlog

And yes, you guessed it, #1 is the VaTech UFR