META: Bring back true posbangs and negbangs

Submitted by M2NASA on

I miss posbangs that mean something, and moreso, negbangs into Bolivia. 

MGoBoarders, the population of Bolivia is decreasing, and it's just not right.


March 29th, 2011 at 12:55 PM ^

I actually agree with you. Posbangs are nice and fun, but from a community functioning standpoint, negs are actually useful. Plus, if someone with, say, 31000+ points (just to pull a number out of nowhere) needs a good negbanging for some odd reason, that's a lot of banging to get to Bolivia.


March 29th, 2011 at 6:24 PM ^

Or have negs scale with the amount of MGoPoints someone has.

1,999 and under, negs count as -1.  

2,999-2,000, negs count as -2.

3,999-3000, negs count as -3.

4,999-4000, negs count as -4.

The list goes on. If someone has 31,000 points, negs would count as -31.  

And if you neg someone, you get negged for the amount of points you have on the same scale as above. So if you neg someone with 19,000 points while you have 3,000 points, they get negged for -19 points, and you get negged for -3 points.  This way, it's a fair system for everyone, no matter the amount of MGoPoints you have.



March 29th, 2011 at 12:49 PM ^

Don't forget about gangbangs!


(I actually like this site layout more than the one without boxes around comments. It would be nice if neg/pos came back though.)


March 29th, 2011 at 12:51 PM ^

Why don't we just move mgoblog over to Reddit? We can make a sub-reddit for Michigan sports.  They have the good upvote/downvote/karma system.

Sgt. Wolverine

March 29th, 2011 at 2:19 PM ^

my favorite part of Haloscan -- the witty and well-timed handlejacked posts often made me laugh.  It was absurdly comical commenting anarchy.

That's the sort of environment that you lose when a site gets as big as MGoBlog has.  There's plenty of good with the growth, too, but some days I do miss the fun of the smaller community.


March 29th, 2011 at 1:35 PM ^

I could tweak the ultra-mgoboard to make it look like everyone's points are increasing every time you posbang them... would that make you feel better for the time being?