Jon Falks take on deflategate

Submitted by Bluemandew on

Big Jon Falk is  currently giving his take on this non controversy on WTKA.  He says he had to invent a heated ball bag to keep the balls in during cold weather games to keep the balls from getting hard and slick on the sidelines. He also said that before he invented this bag he had a official in a game ask him at the half to recheck the psi and they had all dropped in pressure by more than a pound. Screw Bill Nye Jon is the real expert.

He also said that he is close friends with Brady and doesn't believe that he would do anything outside the rules.


*Thanks for the correct spelling *


February 1st, 2015 at 10:41 AM ^

I like and respect Bill Nye, but didn't some guys actually do an experiment and prove him wrong on this point? It seems Bill is on an island with his position. Has he retracted it?

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February 1st, 2015 at 10:57 AM ^

Falcon's being investigated for pumping in artificial crowd noise and may lose a draft pick.  And no they are not being investiaged because people are "jealous of them".


February 1st, 2015 at 11:07 AM ^

I trust Big Jon Falk, Tom Brady and Belichick. I would love to see if Big Jon remembers how Tom liked his equipment when he started during that 1999 season. It would be interesting to hear his memories of this, as it might mean that the balls were Belichick's fault, not Tom's


February 1st, 2015 at 12:55 PM ^

Must we add -"gate" to everything?

I'm not a Pats fan but how did NE "spy" on other teams?  They taped what was already broadcast on TV.

By way of comparison, if MLB or the NHL sends scouts to other games to watch opponents, is that cheating too?

I'm not delusional... I just don't buy into ESPN-generated drivel.  ESPN is to NE is to "spygate" is the same as the Freep is to Michigan is to stretching.  Just on a larger scale.


Mr. Yost

February 1st, 2015 at 11:46 AM ^



February 1st, 2015 at 12:36 PM ^

Bill Nye makes his living making science entertaining for the masses.  As a graduate of MIT with a BS in Chemistry, my advice is to look for a more authoritative expert in science than Bill Nye, who was trained as a mechanical engineer almost four decades ago and makes his living as an entertainer. 

The NY Times recently reported a more sophisticated experimental analysis by a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon.  His experiments confirmed that the observed reduced pressure could be due to weather conditions.  The conclusions of this analysis were confirmed by a professor at MIT.…

Since there is no record by the NFL of the pressures measured by the official prior to the game, it is impossible to make meaningful comparisons or to draw definitive conclusions.  Time to move on.


February 1st, 2015 at 1:18 PM ^

Why is this still hanging around??? This should never have been a story in the first place. And the fact that it's still around is a product of the world wide leader reaching for newsworthy stories!