John U. Bacon on local NPR dicusses problems w/ Free Press article

Submitted by Erik_in_Dayton on… Above is a link to an interview on the Ann Arbor NPR station this morning. John U. Bacon talks about the problems with the Free Press article and talks about U of M's confidence about the situation. I posted this b/c I was happy to see the points Bacon makes getting out into to wider community, i.e., people who don't read this blog or listen to Sam Webb. I will, though, post this warning: Listening to NPR too much will turn you into an ex-hippie who carries a tote bag.


September 1st, 2009 at 11:49 AM ^

+1 on the fucking idiotic and archaic stereotype. I too listen to NPR regularly. It is one of my only trusted news source. And if any journalism outlet is going to approach the story with a wary eye, it is going to be NPR.


September 1st, 2009 at 12:13 PM ^

- Utne Reader - The Nation - Yoga Mat - Locally-grown goat cheese, apple - iPhone (with Fleetwood Mac ringtone) - Season pass to local symphony - Stub from local bike shop to pick up single-speed for repairs Top it, mf-ers.

The King of Belch

September 1st, 2009 at 12:56 PM ^

As I am WALKING to the bike shop with my Super Green Methane Captuing Device hooked up to capture the gas from my farts (which not only aids the ozone layer by trapping the gas, but I then take the cannister home and use the methane to cook my dinner of Tofu steak and soy corn on the cob) I prominently display my $18.50 16 oz Vanilla Bark Coco Barf No Foam Latte (purchased from Starbucks) by holding it out with my arm fully extended so all who drive by can just get a whiff of my whey cool.


September 1st, 2009 at 12:18 PM ^

Vendetta and Rosenberg. These two need to be paired as often as possible. Hopefully voices like Bacon will help it spread to the national media. Rosenberg's vendetta needs to be a separate story that's widely published and discussed.