Jim Tressel hired by Akron?

Submitted by Volverine on
Sources have told me that Akron will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce that Jim Tressel has been hired by the university
2/1/12 8:23 PM


That was retweeted by Angelique Changelis. anyone heard anything about this? 


UPDATE: This Cleveland blog is following the story as well. Apparently it's an administrative role. 


UPDATE II: And now it's official. 



February 1st, 2012 at 10:45 PM ^

You guys are all retarded and have no f-cking clue what you are talking about! And for once, understand what you post before you further your ignorant a*s comments. Theres no show cause when you work for the University itself!!! And further more the NCAA is not above the F.B.I. , in which who Tressel was working with in the investigation..... technically he didnt have to tell the NCAA didly crap!!! The NCAA is a waste of breath but pretends its above & beyond every one.