
October 8th, 2010 at 7:07 AM ^

I usually like him, but this was one of his worst whows ever.  What's with the "bedroom voice" he is using to interview Denard in the lockeroom (clip 1)???  CREEPY!!!!!  Also, why ask Denard multiple questions about what he thinks about his video game numbers? Are you just trying to give him a big head (even though Denard ("usually doesn't swallow the poison")?


October 8th, 2010 at 9:17 AM ^

I watched last night on FSD, and I really took something RR said well. They were discussing the three man rush, and basically, RR came out and said that they would give different looks going forward, and it had a lot more to do with wanting to drop guys to help with coverage.

Non-Coach speak translation:

GERG farked up always calling a 3 man rush, it cost us, and going forward, I told him to rush 4 more often.