I made a video tribute to this not being 2010 again

Submitted by SFBayAreaBlue on

With all the talk about the 3 and out book by Bacon, and our relief that deja vu was not happening all over again, I threw together some memories and put them into a video.  I hope y'all enjoy it. 

Edit: Holy Rorsharch's test, Batman.  I thought I mostly put in positive images.  I didn't realize mgocommentors could so easily turn into youtube commentators.  I didn't choose the song 'cause it was a top 100 pop song, I thought it had meaningful lyrics for the moment we find ourselves in.  I wasn't trying to put anyone down, just remembering the good times and realizing that this year is going to be even better than last year, and better than expected.  If you really think I'm beating a dead horse with this, ... you know what? Fuck you. I enjoyed making it and remembering those moments.  


October 12th, 2011 at 9:57 AM ^

What a bunch of whiny assholes.  I don't particularly enjoy the genre of music chosen but I can appreciate a nice tribute video.  I thought it was a great job matching story to lyrics.  Thanks for sharing.


October 12th, 2011 at 10:00 AM ^

I laughed when it showed Barwis and the song said,  "I'm not that strong."  Barwis was probably the best part of RR's coaching staff though, but still funny.  


October 12th, 2011 at 10:31 AM ^

The song kind of sucks. There is no need to show Rodriguez crying. Finally, we won't know if this season is any different than the last two until after the game this weekend.


October 12th, 2011 at 11:41 AM ^

I was hoping for strung together clips of opponent's punts and turnovers, but this was nice too.  Good luck to coach Rod, it just wasn't meant to be.


October 12th, 2011 at 11:45 AM ^

A little strange for football. Holding hands? Please, never put a song like that into a Michigan football video unless hot chicks are involved. Change the song and you have an Oscar in your hands.