Happy Fifth Anniversary

Submitted by Gopherine on

On this, the fifth anniversary of the sextuple-comment that sparked a thousand shit posts, let us look back and remember where we have been, and bask in the glory that is Harbaugh.



I think Hoke has changed the tide on the rivalry. Hell people in Ohio are starting to believe him. Never in a million years I would have thought that. Selling Michigan jerseys is a good start.

Everyone Murders

August 26th, 2016 at 12:00 PM ^

Unlike the false optimism we had under Hoke, I think Harbaugh is for real.  While that was a dark time, things have definitely shifted.

In short, I think Harbaugh has changed the tide on the rivalry. Hell people in Ohio are starting to believe him. Never in a million years I would have thought that. Selling Michigan Jumpman jerseys is a good start.


August 26th, 2016 at 12:03 PM ^

Zǒngzhī, wǒ rènwéi hā bó yǐjīng yī gǎi tuíshì de jìngzhēng. Dìyù de rén zài éhài'é zhōu kāishǐ xiāngxìn tā. Cónglái méiyǒu zài yī wàn nián wǒ běnlái rènwéi. Mìxiēgēn zhōu de xiāoshòu qiúyī de Jumpman shì yīgè liánghǎo de kāiduān.


August 26th, 2016 at 12:14 PM ^

HAIL-YEA's picture
Joined: 07/15/2009
MGoPoints: 2880
I dont know about you all but

I think Marklar has changed the marklar on the marklar. Hell people in marklar are starting to marklar him. Never in a marklar years I would have marklared that. Selling Marklar jerseys is a good start

How can you kill that which has no life


August 26th, 2016 at 12:42 PM ^

I think Harbaugh has shifted the trend on the competition. Heck others in Ohio are intitiating to accept him. Never in a million years I would have comprehended that. Hawking Michigan shirts is an acceptable begining.